""" @Time : 2022/10/12 17:55 @Auth : 东 @File :websocket_tool.py @IDE :PyCharm @Motto:ABC(Always Be Coding) @Desc: """ import json from typing import Union, List, Dict import os from app.core.common_utils import logger from app.utils.JSONEncodeTools import MyEncoder from configs.global_var import * from app.utils.redis_config import redis_client from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import pickle class WebsocketUtil: def __init__(self): # self.active_connections = multiprocessing.Manager().list() self.active_connections_dist = [] def connect(self, ws, id: str): # 等待连接 msg = ws.receive() # 存储ws连接对象 if os.path.exists(f"{id}.pkl"): wsFile = read(id=id) ws_list = wsFile.ws ws_list.append(ws) data = WsFile(id=id, ws=ws_list) write(id=id, ws=data) else: ws_list = [ws, ] data = WsFile(id=id, ws=ws_list) write(id=id, ws=data) print("--;;-----------", ws_list) def disconnect(self, ws, id): # 删除连接 if os.path.exists(f"{id}.pkl"): os.remove(f"{id}.pkl") @staticmethod async def send_personal_message(message: str, ws): # 发送个人消息 await ws.send(message) # def broadcast(self, message: str): # # 广播消息 # # global active_connections # active_connections = redis_client.get_redis().get("active_connections") # if active_connections is not None: # active_connections = json.loads(active_connections) # for connection in active_connections: # connection.send(message) def send_message_proj_json(self, message: Union[str, int, List, Dict], id: str): # 广播该项目的消息 active_connections = read(id=id) print("===================", type(active_connections.id), active_connections.id) print("===================", type(active_connections.ws), active_connections.ws[0]) for connection in active_connections.ws: try: connection.send(json.dumps(message, cls=MyEncoder, indent=4), ) except Exception as e: logger.error("websocket异常断开,{}", e) manager = WebsocketUtil() def write(id: str, ws: List): print(f"序列化对象{ws}") with open(f"{id}.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(ws, f) def read(id: str): with open(f"{id}.pkl", "rb") as f: wss = pickle.load(f) print(wss) print(f"反序列化对象{wss}") return wss class WsFile: def __init__(self, id: str, ws: List) -> None: self.id = id self.ws = ws def __getstate__(self): pickled = {"id": self.id} return pickled def __setstate(self, pickled_dict): self.__init__(pickled_dict['id'])