2023-07-04 10:08:33 +08:00

207 lines
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Copyright (c) 2015 Jean-Marc VIGLINO,
released under the CeCILL-B license (http://www.cecill.info/).
github: https://github.com/Viglino/OL3-AnimatedCluster
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster is a vector layer tha animate cluster
olx.layer.AnimatedClusterOptions: extend olx.layer.Options
{ animationDuration {Number} animation duration in ms, default is 700ms
animationMethod {function} easing method to use, default ol.easing.easeOut
* @constructor AnimatedCluster
* @extends {ol.layer.Vector}
* @param {olx.layer.AnimatedClusterOptions=} options
* @todo
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster = function(opt_options)
{ var options = opt_options || {};
ol.layer.Vector.call (this, options);
this.oldcluster = new ol.source.Vector();
this.clusters = [];
this.set('animationDuration', typeof(options.animationDuration)=='number' ? options.animationDuration : 700);
this.set('animationMethod', options.animationMethod || ol.easing.easeOut);
// Save cluster before change
this.getSource().on('change', this.saveCluster, this);
// Animate the cluster
this.on('precompose', this.animate, this);
this.on('postcompose', this.postanimate, this);
ol.inherits (ol.layer.AnimatedCluster, ol.layer.Vector);
/** @private save cluster features before change
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster.prototype.saveCluster = function()
{ this.oldcluster.clear();
if (!this.get('animationDuration')) return;
var features = this.getSource().getFeatures();
if (features.length && features[0].get('features'))
{ this.oldcluster.addFeatures (this.clusters);
this.clusters = features.slice(0);
this.sourceChanged = true;
/** @private Get the cluster that contains a feature
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster.prototype.getClusterForFeature = function(f, cluster)
{ for (var j=0, c; c=cluster[j]; j++)
{ var features = cluster[j].get('features');
if (features && features.length)
{ for (var k=0, f2; f2=features[k]; k++)
{ if (f===f2)
{ return cluster[j];
return false;
/** @private
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster.prototype.stopAnimation = function()
{ this.animation.start = false;
this.animation.cA = [];
this.animation.cB = [];
/** @private animate the cluster
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster.prototype.animate = function(e)
{ var duration = this.get('animationDuration');
if (!duration) return;
var resolution = e.frameState.viewState.resolution;
var a = this.animation;
var time = e.frameState.time;
// Start a new animation, if change resolution and source has changed
if (a.resolution != resolution && this.sourceChanged)
{ var extent = e.frameState.extent;
if (a.resolution < resolution)
{ extent = ol.extent.buffer(extent, 100*resolution);
a.cA = this.oldcluster.getFeaturesInExtent(extent);
a.cB = this.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent(extent);
a.revers = false;
{ extent = ol.extent.buffer(extent, 100*resolution);
a.cA = this.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent(extent);
a.cB = this.oldcluster.getFeaturesInExtent(extent);
a.revers = true;
a.clusters = [];
for (var i=0, c0; c0=a.cA[i]; i++)
{ var f = c0.get('features');
if (f && f.length)
{ var c = this.getClusterForFeature (f[0], a.cB);
if (c) a.clusters.push({ f:c0, pt:c.getGeometry().getCoordinates() });
// Save state
a.resolution = resolution;
this.sourceChanged = false;
// No cluster or too much to animate
if (!a.clusters.length || a.clusters.length>1000)
{ this.stopAnimation();
// Start animation from now
time = a.start = (new Date()).getTime();
// Run animation
if (a.start)
{ var vectorContext = e.vectorContext;
var d = (time - a.start) / duration;
// Animation ends
if (d > 1.0)
{ this.stopAnimation();
d = 1;
d = this.get('animationMethod')(d);
// Animate
var style = this.getStyle();
var stylefn = (typeof(style) == 'function') ? style : style.length ? function(){ return style; } : function(){ return [style]; } ;
// Layer opacity
e.context.globalAlpha = this.getOpacity();
// Retina device
var ratio = e.frameState.pixelRatio;
for (var i=0, c; c=a.clusters[i]; i++)
{ var pt = c.f.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
if (a.revers)
{ pt[0] = c.pt[0] + d * (pt[0]-c.pt[0]);
pt[1] = c.pt[1] + d * (pt[1]-c.pt[1]);
{ pt[0] = pt[0] + d * (c.pt[0]-pt[0]);
pt[1] = pt[1] + d * (c.pt[1]-pt[1]);
// Draw feature
var st = stylefn(c.f, resolution);
/* Preserve pixel ration on retina */
var geo = new ol.geom.Point(pt);
for (var k=0; s=st[k]; k++)
{ var sc;
// OL < v4.3 : setImageStyle doesn't check retina
var imgs = ol.Map.prototype.getFeaturesAtPixel ? false : s.getImage();
if (imgs)
{ sc = imgs.getScale();
// OL3 > v3.14
if (vectorContext.setStyle)
{ vectorContext.setStyle(s);
// older version
{ vectorContext.setImageStyle(imgs);
if (imgs) imgs.setScale(sc);
var f = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point(pt));
for (var k=0; s=st[k]; k++)
{ var imgs = s.getImage();
var sc = imgs.getScale();
imgs.setScale(sc*ratio); // drawFeature don't check retina
vectorContext.drawFeature(f, s);
// tell OL3 to continue postcompose animation
e.frameState.animate = true;
// Prevent layer drawing (clip with null rect)
this.clip_ = true;
/** @private remove clipping after the layer is drawn
ol.layer.AnimatedCluster.prototype.postanimate = function(e)
{ if (this.clip_)
{ e.context.restore();
this.clip_ = false;