2023-04-16 22:33:44 +08:00

251 lines
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* Cesium -
* Copyright 2011-2020 Cesium Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Columbus View (Pat. Pend.)
* Portions licensed separately.
* See for full licensing details.
define(['exports', './when-8d13db60', './Math-61ede240', './Cartographic-f2a06374', './BoundingSphere-d018a565', './Transforms-f77c92da', './EllipsoidTangentPlane-e82c480a', './PolygonPipeline-6175e66b', './PolylinePipeline-f937854b'], function (exports, when, _Math, Cartographic, BoundingSphere, Transforms, EllipsoidTangentPlane, PolygonPipeline, PolylinePipeline) { 'use strict';
* private
var WallGeometryLibrary = {};
function latLonEquals(c0, c1) {
return ((_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(c0.latitude, c1.latitude, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON14)) && (_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(c0.longitude, c1.longitude, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON14)));
var scratchCartographic1 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
var scratchCartographic2 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
function removeDuplicates(ellipsoid, positions, topHeights, bottomHeights) {
var length = positions.length;
if (length < 2) {
var hasBottomHeights = when.defined(bottomHeights);
var hasTopHeights = when.defined(topHeights);
var hasAllZeroHeights = true;
var cleanedPositions = new Array(length);
var cleanedTopHeights = new Array(length);
var cleanedBottomHeights = new Array(length);
var v0 = positions[0];
cleanedPositions[0] = v0;
var c0 = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(v0, scratchCartographic1);
if (hasTopHeights) {
c0.height = topHeights[0];
hasAllZeroHeights = hasAllZeroHeights && c0.height == 0;
cleanedTopHeights[0] = c0.height;
if (hasBottomHeights) {
cleanedBottomHeights[0] = bottomHeights[0];
} else {
cleanedBottomHeights[0] = 0.0;
var index = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
var v1 = positions[i];
var c1 = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(v1, scratchCartographic2);
if (hasTopHeights) {
c1.height = topHeights[i];
hasAllZeroHeights = hasAllZeroHeights && c1.height == 0;
if (!latLonEquals(c0, c1)) {
cleanedPositions[index] = v1; // Shallow copy!
cleanedTopHeights[index] = c1.height;
if (hasBottomHeights) {
cleanedBottomHeights[index] = bottomHeights[i];
} else {
cleanedBottomHeights[index] = 0.0;
Cartographic.Cartographic.clone(c1, c0);
} else if (c0.height < c1.height) {
cleanedTopHeights[index - 1] = c1.height;
if (hasAllZeroHeights || index < 2) {
cleanedPositions.length = index;
cleanedTopHeights.length = index;
cleanedBottomHeights.length = index;
return {
positions: cleanedPositions,
topHeights: cleanedTopHeights,
bottomHeights: cleanedBottomHeights
var positionsArrayScratch = new Array(2);
var heightsArrayScratch = new Array(2);
var generateArcOptionsScratch = {
positions : undefined,
height : undefined,
granularity : undefined,
ellipsoid : undefined
* @private
WallGeometryLibrary.computePositions = function(ellipsoid, wallPositions, maximumHeights, minimumHeights, granularity, duplicateCorners, enuCenter) {
var o = removeDuplicates(ellipsoid, wallPositions, maximumHeights, minimumHeights);
if (!when.defined(o)) {
var enu = Transforms.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(o.positions[0], ellipsoid, new BoundingSphere.Matrix4());
var enuInverse = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.inverse(enu, new BoundingSphere.Matrix4());
wallPositions = o.positions;
maximumHeights = o.topHeights;
minimumHeights = o.bottomHeights;
if (wallPositions.length >= 3) {
// Order positions counter-clockwise
var tangentPlane = EllipsoidTangentPlane.EllipsoidTangentPlane.fromPoints(wallPositions, ellipsoid);
var positions2D = tangentPlane.projectPointsOntoPlane(wallPositions);
if (PolygonPipeline.PolygonPipeline.computeWindingOrder2D(positions2D) === PolygonPipeline.WindingOrder.CLOCKWISE) {
var length = wallPositions.length;
var numCorners = length - 2;
var topPositions;
var bottomPositions;
var localTopPositions;
var localBottomPositions;
var minDistance = _Math.CesiumMath.chordLength(granularity, ellipsoid.maximumRadius);
var generateArcOptions = generateArcOptionsScratch;
generateArcOptions.minDistance = minDistance;
generateArcOptions.ellipsoid = ellipsoid;
if (duplicateCorners) {
var count = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
count += PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.numberOfPoints(wallPositions[i], wallPositions[i+1], minDistance) + 1;
topPositions = new Float64Array(count * 3);
bottomPositions = new Float64Array(count * 3);
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
localTopPositions = new Float64Array(count * 3);
localBottomPositions = new Float64Array(count * 3);
var generateArcPositions = positionsArrayScratch;
var generateArcHeights = heightsArrayScratch;
generateArcOptions.positions = generateArcPositions;
generateArcOptions.height = generateArcHeights;
var offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
generateArcPositions[0] = wallPositions[i];
generateArcPositions[1] = wallPositions[i + 1];
generateArcHeights[0] = maximumHeights[i];
generateArcHeights[1] = maximumHeights[i + 1];
var pos = PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions);
topPositions.set(pos, offset);
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
localTopPositions.set(transformToENU(pos, enuInverse), offset);
generateArcHeights[0] = minimumHeights[i];
generateArcHeights[1] = minimumHeights[i + 1];
bottomPositions.set(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions), offset);
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
localBottomPositions.set(transformToENU(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions), enuInverse), offset);
offset += pos.length;
} else {
generateArcOptions.positions = wallPositions;
generateArcOptions.height = maximumHeights;
topPositions = new Float64Array(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions));
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
localTopPositions = new Float64Array(transformToENU(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions)));
generateArcOptions.height = minimumHeights;
bottomPositions = new Float64Array(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions));
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
localBottomPositions = new Float64Array(transformToENU(PolylinePipeline.PolylinePipeline.generateArc(generateArcOptions)));
var posObj = {
pos: {
bottomPositions: bottomPositions,
topPositions: topPositions,
numCorners: numCorners
if(when.defined(enuCenter)) {
posObj.localPos = {
bottomPositions: localBottomPositions,
topPositions: localTopPositions,
numCorners: numCorners
return posObj;
function transformToENU(pos, enuInverse) {
var localPos = new Array(pos.length);
for(var j = 0; j < pos.length; j += 3) {
var cartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(pos[j], pos[j + 1], pos[j + 2]);
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(enuInverse, cartesian, cartesian);
localPos[j] = cartesian.x;
localPos[j + 1] = cartesian.y;
localPos[j + 2] = cartesian.z;
return localPos;
exports.WallGeometryLibrary = WallGeometryLibrary;