2023-04-16 22:33:44 +08:00

4467 lines
204 KiB

* Cesium -
* Copyright 2011-2017 Cesium Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Columbus View (Pat. Pend.)
* Portions licensed separately.
* See for full licensing details.
define(['exports', './when-8d13db60', './Check-70bec281', './Math-61ede240', './Cartographic-fe4be337', './Cartesian2-85064f09', './BoundingSphere-775c5788', './Cartesian4-5af5bb24', './RuntimeError-ba10bc3e', './FeatureDetection-7bd32c34', './buildModuleUrl-14bfe498'], function (exports, when, Check, _Math, Cartographic, Cartesian2, BoundingSphere, Cartesian4, RuntimeError, FeatureDetection, buildModuleUrl) { 'use strict';
* A set of 4-dimensional coordinates used to represent rotation in 3-dimensional space.
* @alias Quaternion
* @constructor
* @param {Number} [x=0.0] The X component.
* @param {Number} [y=0.0] The Y component.
* @param {Number} [z=0.0] The Z component.
* @param {Number} [w=0.0] The W component.
* @see PackableForInterpolation
function Quaternion(x, y, z, w) {
* The X component.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
this.x = when.defaultValue(x, 0.0);
* The Y component.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
this.y = when.defaultValue(y, 0.0);
* The Z component.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
this.z = when.defaultValue(z, 0.0);
* The W component.
* @type {Number}
* @default 0.0
this.w = when.defaultValue(w, 0.0);
var fromAxisAngleScratch = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
* Computes a quaternion representing a rotation around an axis.
* @param {Cartesian3} axis The axis of rotation.
* @param {Number} angle The angle in radians to rotate around the axis.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.
Quaternion.fromAxisAngle = function(axis, angle, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('axis', axis);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('angle', angle);
var halfAngle = angle / 2.0;
var s = Math.sin(halfAngle);
fromAxisAngleScratch = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(axis, fromAxisAngleScratch);
var x = fromAxisAngleScratch.x * s;
var y = fromAxisAngleScratch.y * s;
var z = fromAxisAngleScratch.z * s;
var w = Math.cos(halfAngle);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w);
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.z = z;
result.w = w;
return result;
var fromRotationMatrixNext = [1, 2, 0];
var fromRotationMatrixQuat = new Array(3);
* Computes a Quaternion from the provided Matrix3 instance.
* @param {Matrix3} matrix The rotation matrix.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.
* @see Matrix3.fromQuaternion
Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix = function(matrix, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('matrix', matrix);
var root;
var x;
var y;
var z;
var w;
var m00 = matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW0];
var m11 = matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW1];
var m22 = matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW2];
var trace = m00 + m11 + m22;
if (trace > 0.0) {
// |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2
root = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0); // 2w
w = 0.5 * root;
root = 0.5 / root; // 1/(4w)
x = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW2] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW1]) * root;
y = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW0] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW2]) * root;
z = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW1] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW0]) * root;
} else {
// |w| <= 1/2
var next = fromRotationMatrixNext;
var i = 0;
if (m11 > m00) {
i = 1;
if (m22 > m00 && m22 > m11) {
i = 2;
var j = next[i];
var k = next[j];
root = Math.sqrt(matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(i, i)] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(j, j)] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(k, k)] + 1.0);
var quat = fromRotationMatrixQuat;
quat[i] = 0.5 * root;
root = 0.5 / root;
w = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(k, j)] - matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(j, k)]) * root;
quat[j] = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(j, i)] + matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(i, j)]) * root;
quat[k] = (matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(k, i)] + matrix[BoundingSphere.Matrix3.getElementIndex(i, k)]) * root;
x = -quat[0];
y = -quat[1];
z = -quat[2];
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new Quaternion(x, y, z, w);
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.z = z;
result.w = w;
return result;
var scratchHPRQuaternion = new Quaternion();
var scratchHeadingQuaternion = new Quaternion();
var scratchPitchQuaternion = new Quaternion();
var scratchRollQuaternion = new Quaternion();
* Computes a rotation from the given heading, pitch and roll angles. Heading is the rotation about the
* negative z axis. Pitch is the rotation about the negative y axis. Roll is the rotation about
* the positive x axis.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The rotation expressed as a heading, pitch and roll.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if none was provided.
Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll = function(headingPitchRoll, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('headingPitchRoll', headingPitchRoll);
scratchRollQuaternion = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, headingPitchRoll.roll, scratchHPRQuaternion);
scratchPitchQuaternion = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, -headingPitchRoll.pitch, result);
result = Quaternion.multiply(scratchPitchQuaternion, scratchRollQuaternion, scratchPitchQuaternion);
scratchHeadingQuaternion = Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, -headingPitchRoll.heading, scratchHPRQuaternion);
return Quaternion.multiply(scratchHeadingQuaternion, result, result);
var sampledQuaternionAxis = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var sampledQuaternionRotation = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion = new Quaternion();
var sampledQuaternionQuaternion0 = new Quaternion();
var sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate = new Quaternion();
* The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.
* @type {Number}
Quaternion.packedLength = 4;
* Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
* @param {Quaternion} value The value to pack.
* @param {Number[]} array The array to pack into.
* @param {Number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.
* @returns {Number[]} The array that was packed into
Quaternion.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('value', value);
Check.Check.defined('array', array);
startingIndex = when.defaultValue(startingIndex, 0);
array[startingIndex++] = value.x;
array[startingIndex++] = value.y;
array[startingIndex++] = value.z;
array[startingIndex] = value.w;
return array;
* Retrieves an instance from a packed array.
* @param {Number[]} array The packed array.
* @param {Number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object into which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.
Quaternion.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.defined('array', array);
startingIndex = when.defaultValue(startingIndex, 0);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new Quaternion();
result.x = array[startingIndex];
result.y = array[startingIndex + 1];
result.z = array[startingIndex + 2];
result.w = array[startingIndex + 3];
return result;
* The number of elements used to store the object into an array in its interpolatable form.
* @type {Number}
Quaternion.packedInterpolationLength = 3;
* Converts a packed array into a form suitable for interpolation.
* @param {Number[]} packedArray The packed array.
* @param {Number} [startingIndex=0] The index of the first element to be converted.
* @param {Number} [lastIndex=packedArray.length] The index of the last element to be converted.
* @param {Number[]} result The object into which to store the result.
Quaternion.convertPackedArrayForInterpolation = function(packedArray, startingIndex, lastIndex, result) {
Quaternion.unpack(packedArray, lastIndex * 4, sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate);
Quaternion.conjugate(sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate, sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate);
for (var i = 0, len = lastIndex - startingIndex + 1; i < len; i++) {
var offset = i * 3;
Quaternion.unpack(packedArray, (startingIndex + i) * 4, sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
Quaternion.multiply(sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate, sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
if (sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion.w < 0) {
Quaternion.negate(sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
Quaternion.computeAxis(sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, sampledQuaternionAxis);
var angle = Quaternion.computeAngle(sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
result[offset] = sampledQuaternionAxis.x * angle;
result[offset + 1] = sampledQuaternionAxis.y * angle;
result[offset + 2] = sampledQuaternionAxis.z * angle;
* Retrieves an instance from a packed array converted with {@link convertPackedArrayForInterpolation}.
* @param {Number[]} array The array previously packed for interpolation.
* @param {Number[]} sourceArray The original packed array.
* @param {Number} [firstIndex=0] The firstIndex used to convert the array.
* @param {Number} [lastIndex=packedArray.length] The lastIndex used to convert the array.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object into which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.
Quaternion.unpackInterpolationResult = function(array, sourceArray, firstIndex, lastIndex, result) {
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new Quaternion();
Cartographic.Cartesian3.fromArray(array, 0, sampledQuaternionRotation);
var magnitude = Cartographic.Cartesian3.magnitude(sampledQuaternionRotation);
Quaternion.unpack(sourceArray, lastIndex * 4, sampledQuaternionQuaternion0);
if (magnitude === 0) {
Quaternion.clone(Quaternion.IDENTITY, sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
} else {
Quaternion.fromAxisAngle(sampledQuaternionRotation, magnitude, sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);
return Quaternion.multiply(sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, sampledQuaternionQuaternion0, result);
* Duplicates a Quaternion instance.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to duplicate.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if quaternion is undefined)
Quaternion.clone = function(quaternion, result) {
if (!when.defined(quaternion)) {
return undefined;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new Quaternion(quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w);
result.x = quaternion.x;
result.y = quaternion.y;
result.z = quaternion.z;
result.w = quaternion.w;
return result;
* Computes the conjugate of the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.conjugate = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = -quaternion.x;
result.y = -quaternion.y;
result.z = -quaternion.z;
result.w = quaternion.w;
return result;
* Computes magnitude squared for the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.
* @returns {Number} The magnitude squared.
Quaternion.magnitudeSquared = function(quaternion) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
return quaternion.x * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.y + quaternion.z * quaternion.z + quaternion.w * quaternion.w;
* Computes magnitude for the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.
* @returns {Number} The magnitude.
Quaternion.magnitude = function(quaternion) {
return Math.sqrt(Quaternion.magnitudeSquared(quaternion));
* Computes the normalized form of the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to normalize.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.normalize = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var inverseMagnitude = 1.0 / Quaternion.magnitude(quaternion);
var x = quaternion.x * inverseMagnitude;
var y = quaternion.y * inverseMagnitude;
var z = quaternion.z * inverseMagnitude;
var w = quaternion.w * inverseMagnitude;
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.z = z;
result.w = w;
return result;
* Computes the inverse of the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to normalize.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.inverse = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var magnitudeSquared = Quaternion.magnitudeSquared(quaternion);
result = Quaternion.conjugate(quaternion, result);
return Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(result, 1.0 / magnitudeSquared, result);
* Computes the componentwise sum of two quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.add = function(left, right, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('left', left);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('right', right);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = left.x + right.x;
result.y = left.y + right.y;
result.z = left.z + right.z;
result.w = left.w + right.w;
return result;
* Computes the componentwise difference of two quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.subtract = function(left, right, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('left', left);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('right', right);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = left.x - right.x;
result.y = left.y - right.y;
result.z = left.z - right.z;
result.w = left.w - right.w;
return result;
* Negates the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be negated.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.negate = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = -quaternion.x;
result.y = -quaternion.y;
result.z = -quaternion.z;
result.w = -quaternion.w;
return result;
* Computes the dot (scalar) product of two quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.
* @returns {Number} The dot product.
*/ = function(left, right) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('left', left);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('right', right);
return left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z + left.w * right.w;
* Computes the product of two quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.multiply = function(left, right, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('left', left);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('right', right);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var leftX = left.x;
var leftY = left.y;
var leftZ = left.z;
var leftW = left.w;
var rightX = right.x;
var rightY = right.y;
var rightZ = right.z;
var rightW = right.w;
var x = leftW * rightX + leftX * rightW + leftY * rightZ - leftZ * rightY;
var y = leftW * rightY - leftX * rightZ + leftY * rightW + leftZ * rightX;
var z = leftW * rightZ + leftX * rightY - leftY * rightX + leftZ * rightW;
var w = leftW * rightW - leftX * rightX - leftY * rightY - leftZ * rightZ;
result.x = x;
result.y = y;
result.z = z;
result.w = w;
return result;
Quaternion.multiplyByVec = function(q,v, result) {
var uv = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var uuv = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var qvec = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(q.x,q.y,q.z);
uv = Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(qvec,v,uv);
uuv = Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(qvec,uv,uuv);
var uv2 = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
uv2 = Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(uv,2.0 * q.w,uv2);
var uuv2 = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
uuv2 = Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(uv,2.0,uuv2);
result = Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(v,uv2,result);
result = Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(result,uuv2,result);
return result;
* Multiplies the provided quaternion componentwise by the provided scalar.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be scaled.
* @param {Number} scalar The scalar to multiply with.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.multiplyByScalar = function(quaternion, scalar, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('scalar', scalar);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = quaternion.x * scalar;
result.y = quaternion.y * scalar;
result.z = quaternion.z * scalar;
result.w = quaternion.w * scalar;
return result;
* Divides the provided quaternion componentwise by the provided scalar.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be divided.
* @param {Number} scalar The scalar to divide by.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.divideByScalar = function(quaternion, scalar, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('scalar', scalar);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
result.x = quaternion.x / scalar;
result.y = quaternion.y / scalar;
result.z = quaternion.z / scalar;
result.w = quaternion.w / scalar;
return result;
* Computes the axis of rotation of the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to use.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.computeAxis = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var w = quaternion.w;
if (Math.abs(w - 1.0) < _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) {
result.x = result.y = result.z = 0;
return result;
var scalar = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 - (w * w));
result.x = quaternion.x * scalar;
result.y = quaternion.y * scalar;
result.z = quaternion.z * scalar;
return result;
* Computes the angle of rotation of the provided quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to use.
* @returns {Number} The angle of rotation.
Quaternion.computeAngle = function(quaternion) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
if (Math.abs(quaternion.w - 1.0) < _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) {
return 0.0;
return 2.0 * Math.acos(quaternion.w);
var lerpScratch = new Quaternion();
* Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.
* @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.
* @param {Number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.lerp = function(start, end, t, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('start', start);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('end', end);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('t', t);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
lerpScratch = Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(end, t, lerpScratch);
result = Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, 1.0 - t, result);
return Quaternion.add(lerpScratch, result, result);
var slerpEndNegated = new Quaternion();
var slerpScaledP = new Quaternion();
var slerpScaledR = new Quaternion();
* Computes the spherical linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.
* @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.
* @param {Number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
* @see Quaternion#fastSlerp
Quaternion.slerp = function(start, end, t, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('start', start);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('end', end);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('t', t);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var dot =, end);
// The angle between start must be acute. Since q and -q represent
// the same rotation, negate q to get the acute angle.
var r = end;
if (dot < 0.0) {
dot = -dot;
r = slerpEndNegated = Quaternion.negate(end, slerpEndNegated);
// dot > 0, as the dot product approaches 1, the angle between the
// quaternions vanishes. use linear interpolation.
if (1.0 - dot < _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON6) {
return Quaternion.lerp(start, r, t, result);
var theta = Math.acos(dot);
slerpScaledP = Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, Math.sin((1 - t) * theta), slerpScaledP);
slerpScaledR = Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(r, Math.sin(t * theta), slerpScaledR);
result = Quaternion.add(slerpScaledP, slerpScaledR, result);
return Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(result, 1.0 / Math.sin(theta), result);
* The logarithmic quaternion function.
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The unit quaternion.
* @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.log = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('quaternion', quaternion);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var theta = _Math.CesiumMath.acosClamped(quaternion.w);
var thetaOverSinTheta = 0.0;
if (theta !== 0.0) {
thetaOverSinTheta = theta / Math.sin(theta);
return Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(quaternion, thetaOverSinTheta, result);
* The exponential quaternion function.
* @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The cartesian.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
Quaternion.exp = function(cartesian, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('cartesian', cartesian);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var theta = Cartographic.Cartesian3.magnitude(cartesian);
var sinThetaOverTheta = 0.0;
if (theta !== 0.0) {
sinThetaOverTheta = Math.sin(theta) / theta;
result.x = cartesian.x * sinThetaOverTheta;
result.y = cartesian.y * sinThetaOverTheta;
result.z = cartesian.z * sinThetaOverTheta;
result.w = Math.cos(theta);
return result;
var squadScratchCartesian0 = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var squadScratchCartesian1 = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var squadScratchQuaternion0 = new Quaternion();
var squadScratchQuaternion1 = new Quaternion();
* Computes an inner quadrangle point.
* <p>This will compute quaternions that ensure a squad curve is C<sup>1</sup>.</p>
* @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} q2 The third quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
* @see Quaternion#squad
Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle = function(q0, q1, q2, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q0', q0);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q1', q1);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q2', q2);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var qInv = Quaternion.conjugate(q1, squadScratchQuaternion0);
Quaternion.multiply(qInv, q2, squadScratchQuaternion1);
var cart0 = Quaternion.log(squadScratchQuaternion1, squadScratchCartesian0);
Quaternion.multiply(qInv, q0, squadScratchQuaternion1);
var cart1 = Quaternion.log(squadScratchQuaternion1, squadScratchCartesian1);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(cart0, cart1, cart0);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(cart0, 0.25, cart0);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.negate(cart0, cart0);
Quaternion.exp(cart0, squadScratchQuaternion0);
return Quaternion.multiply(q1, squadScratchQuaternion0, result);
* Computes the spherical quadrangle interpolation between quaternions.
* @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} s0 The first inner quadrangle.
* @param {Quaternion} s1 The second inner quadrangle.
* @param {Number} t The time in [0,1] used to interpolate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
* @example
* // 1. compute the squad interpolation between two quaternions on a curve
* var s0 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[i - 1], quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], new Cesium.Quaternion());
* var s1 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], quaternions[i + 2], new Cesium.Quaternion());
* var q = Cesium.Quaternion.squad(quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], s0, s1, t, new Cesium.Quaternion());
* // 2. compute the squad interpolation as above but where the first quaternion is a end point.
* var s1 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[0], quaternions[1], quaternions[2], new Cesium.Quaternion());
* var q = Cesium.Quaternion.squad(quaternions[0], quaternions[1], quaternions[0], s1, t, new Cesium.Quaternion());
* @see Quaternion#computeInnerQuadrangle
Quaternion.squad = function(q0, q1, s0, s1, t, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q0', q0);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q1', q1);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('s0', s0);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('s1', s1);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('t', t);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var slerp0 = Quaternion.slerp(q0, q1, t, squadScratchQuaternion0);
var slerp1 = Quaternion.slerp(s0, s1, t, squadScratchQuaternion1);
return Quaternion.slerp(slerp0, slerp1, 2.0 * t * (1.0 - t), result);
var fastSlerpScratchQuaternion = new Quaternion();
var opmu = 1.90110745351730037;
var u = FeatureDetection.FeatureDetection.supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];
var v = FeatureDetection.FeatureDetection.supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];
var bT = FeatureDetection.FeatureDetection.supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];
var bD = FeatureDetection.FeatureDetection.supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];
for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
var s = i + 1.0;
var t = 2.0 * s + 1.0;
u[i] = 1.0 / (s * t);
v[i] = s / t;
u[7] = opmu / (8.0 * 17.0);
v[7] = opmu * 8.0 / 17.0;
* Computes the spherical linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.
* This implementation is faster than {@link Quaternion#slerp}, but is only accurate up to 10<sup>-6</sup>.
* @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.
* @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.
* @param {Number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.
* @see Quaternion#slerp
Quaternion.fastSlerp = function(start, end, t, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('start', start);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('end', end);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('t', t);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var x =, end);
var sign;
if (x >= 0) {
sign = 1.0;
} else {
sign = -1.0;
x = -x;
var xm1 = x - 1.0;
var d = 1.0 - t;
var sqrT = t * t;
var sqrD = d * d;
for (var i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
bT[i] = (u[i] * sqrT - v[i]) * xm1;
bD[i] = (u[i] * sqrD - v[i]) * xm1;
var cT = sign * t * (
1.0 + bT[0] * (1.0 + bT[1] * (1.0 + bT[2] * (1.0 + bT[3] * (
1.0 + bT[4] * (1.0 + bT[5] * (1.0 + bT[6] * (1.0 + bT[7]))))))));
var cD = d * (
1.0 + bD[0] * (1.0 + bD[1] * (1.0 + bD[2] * (1.0 + bD[3] * (
1.0 + bD[4] * (1.0 + bD[5] * (1.0 + bD[6] * (1.0 + bD[7]))))))));
var temp = Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, cD, fastSlerpScratchQuaternion);
Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(end, cT, result);
return Quaternion.add(temp, result, result);
* Computes the spherical quadrangle interpolation between quaternions.
* An implementation that is faster than {@link Quaternion#squad}, but less accurate.
* @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} s0 The first inner quadrangle.
* @param {Quaternion} s1 The second inner quadrangle.
* @param {Number} t The time in [0,1] used to interpolate.
* @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
* @see Quaternion#squad
Quaternion.fastSquad = function(q0, q1, s0, s1, t, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q0', q0);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('q1', q1);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('s0', s0);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('s1', s1);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('t', t);
Check.Check.typeOf.object('result', result);
var slerp0 = Quaternion.fastSlerp(q0, q1, t, squadScratchQuaternion0);
var slerp1 = Quaternion.fastSlerp(s0, s1, t, squadScratchQuaternion1);
return Quaternion.fastSlerp(slerp0, slerp1, 2.0 * t * (1.0 - t), result);
* Compares the provided quaternions componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {Quaternion} [left] The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} [right] The second quaternion.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
Quaternion.equals = function(left, right) {
return (left === right) ||
((when.defined(left)) &&
(when.defined(right)) &&
(left.x === right.x) &&
(left.y === right.y) &&
(left.z === right.z) &&
(left.w === right.w));
* Compares the provided quaternions componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are within the provided epsilon,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {Quaternion} [left] The first quaternion.
* @param {Quaternion} [right] The second quaternion.
* @param {Number} epsilon The epsilon to use for equality testing.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are within the provided epsilon, <code>false</code> otherwise.
Quaternion.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.number('epsilon', epsilon);
return (left === right) ||
((when.defined(left)) &&
(when.defined(right)) &&
(Math.abs(left.x - right.x) <= epsilon) &&
(Math.abs(left.y - right.y) <= epsilon) &&
(Math.abs(left.z - right.z) <= epsilon) &&
(Math.abs(left.w - right.w) <= epsilon));
* An immutable Quaternion instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).
* @type {Quaternion}
* @constant
Quaternion.ZERO = Object.freeze(new Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
* An immutable Quaternion instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).
* @type {Quaternion}
* @constant
Quaternion.IDENTITY = Object.freeze(new Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
* Duplicates this Quaternion instance.
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.
Quaternion.prototype.clone = function(result) {
return Quaternion.clone(this, result);
* Compares this and the provided quaternion componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {Quaternion} [right] The right hand side quaternion.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
Quaternion.prototype.equals = function(right) {
return Quaternion.equals(this, right);
* Compares this and the provided quaternion componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are within the provided epsilon,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {Quaternion} [right] The right hand side quaternion.
* @param {Number} epsilon The epsilon to use for equality testing.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are within the provided epsilon, <code>false</code> otherwise.
Quaternion.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {
return Quaternion.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);
* Returns a string representing this quaternion in the format (x, y, z, w).
* @returns {String} A string representing this Quaternion.
Quaternion.prototype.toString = function() {
return '(' + this.x + ', ' + this.y + ', ' + this.z + ', ' + this.w + ')';
* Finds an item in a sorted array.
* @exports binarySearch
* @param {Array} array The sorted array to search.
* @param {*} itemToFind The item to find in the array.
* @param {binarySearch~Comparator} comparator The function to use to compare the item to
* elements in the array.
* @returns {Number} The index of <code>itemToFind</code> in the array, if it exists. If <code>itemToFind</code>
* does not exist, the return value is a negative number which is the bitwise complement (~)
* of the index before which the itemToFind should be inserted in order to maintain the
* sorted order of the array.
* @example
* // Create a comparator function to search through an array of numbers.
* function comparator(a, b) {
* return a - b;
* };
* var numbers = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];
* var index = Cesium.binarySearch(numbers, 6, comparator); // 3
function binarySearch(array, itemToFind, comparator) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.defined('array', array);
Check.Check.defined('itemToFind', itemToFind);
Check.Check.defined('comparator', comparator);
var low = 0;
var high = array.length - 1;
var i;
var comparison;
while (low <= high) {
i = ~~((low + high) / 2);
comparison = comparator(array[i], itemToFind);
if (comparison < 0) {
low = i + 1;
if (comparison > 0) {
high = i - 1;
return i;
return ~(high + 1);
* A set of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) sampled at a time.
* @alias EarthOrientationParametersSample
* @constructor
* @param {Number} xPoleWander The pole wander about the X axis, in radians.
* @param {Number} yPoleWander The pole wander about the Y axis, in radians.
* @param {Number} xPoleOffset The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the X axis, in radians.
* @param {Number} yPoleOffset The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the Y axis, in radians.
* @param {Number} ut1MinusUtc The difference in time standards, UT1 - UTC, in seconds.
* @private
function EarthOrientationParametersSample(xPoleWander, yPoleWander, xPoleOffset, yPoleOffset, ut1MinusUtc) {
* The pole wander about the X axis, in radians.
* @type {Number}
this.xPoleWander = xPoleWander;
* The pole wander about the Y axis, in radians.
* @type {Number}
this.yPoleWander = yPoleWander;
* The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the X axis, in radians.
* @type {Number}
this.xPoleOffset = xPoleOffset;
* The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the Y axis, in radians.
* @type {Number}
this.yPoleOffset = yPoleOffset;
* The difference in time standards, UT1 - UTC, in seconds.
* @type {Number}
this.ut1MinusUtc = ut1MinusUtc;
sprintf.js from the php.js project -
Directly from
php.js is copyright 2012 Kevin van Zonneveld.
Portions copyright Brett Zamir (, Kevin van Zonneveld
(, Onno Marsman, Theriault, Michael White
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function sprintf () {
// + original by: Ash Searle (
// + namespaced by: Michael White (
// + tweaked by: Jack
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + input by: Paulo Freitas
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + input by: Brett Zamir (
// + improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
// + improved by: Dj
// + improved by: Allidylls
// * example 1: sprintf("%01.2f", 123.1);
// * returns 1: 123.10
// * example 2: sprintf("[%10s]", 'monkey');
// * returns 2: '[ monkey]'
// * example 3: sprintf("[%'#10s]", 'monkey');
// * returns 3: '[####monkey]'
// * example 4: sprintf("%d", 123456789012345);
// * returns 4: '123456789012345'
var regex = /%%|%(\d+\$)?([-+\'#0 ]*)(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+)?(\.(\*\d+\$|\*|\d+))?([scboxXuideEfFgG])/g;
var a = arguments,
i = 0,
format = a[i++];
// pad()
var pad = function (str, len, chr, leftJustify) {
if (!chr) {
chr = ' ';
var padding = (str.length >= len) ? '' : Array(1 + len - str.length >>> 0).join(chr);
return leftJustify ? str + padding : padding + str;
// justify()
var justify = function (value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar) {
var diff = minWidth - value.length;
if (diff > 0) {
if (leftJustify || !zeroPad) {
value = pad(value, minWidth, customPadChar, leftJustify);
} else {
value = value.slice(0, prefix.length) + pad('', diff, '0', true) + value.slice(prefix.length);
return value;
// formatBaseX()
var formatBaseX = function (value, base, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad) {
// Note: casts negative numbers to positive ones
var number = value >>> 0;
prefix = prefix && number && {
'2': '0b',
'8': '0',
'16': '0x'
}[base] || '';
value = prefix + pad(number.toString(base), precision || 0, '0', false);
return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad);
// formatString()
var formatString = function (value, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar) {
if (precision != null) {
value = value.slice(0, precision);
return justify(value, '', leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad, customPadChar);
// doFormat()
var doFormat = function (substring, valueIndex, flags, minWidth, _, precision, type) {
var number;
var prefix;
var method;
var textTransform;
var value;
if (substring == '%%') {
return '%';
// parse flags
var leftJustify = false,
positivePrefix = '',
zeroPad = false,
prefixBaseX = false,
customPadChar = ' ';
var flagsl = flags.length;
for (var j = 0; flags && j < flagsl; j++) {
switch (flags.charAt(j)) {
case ' ':
positivePrefix = ' ';
case '+':
positivePrefix = '+';
case '-':
leftJustify = true;
case "'":
customPadChar = flags.charAt(j + 1);
case '0':
zeroPad = true;
case '#':
prefixBaseX = true;
// parameters may be null, undefined, empty-string or real valued
// we want to ignore null, undefined and empty-string values
if (!minWidth) {
minWidth = 0;
} else if (minWidth == '*') {
minWidth = +a[i++];
} else if (minWidth.charAt(0) == '*') {
minWidth = +a[minWidth.slice(1, -1)];
} else {
minWidth = +minWidth;
// Note: undocumented perl feature:
if (minWidth < 0) {
minWidth = -minWidth;
leftJustify = true;
if (!isFinite(minWidth)) {
throw new Error('sprintf: (minimum-)width must be finite');
if (!precision) {
precision = 'fFeE'.indexOf(type) > -1 ? 6 : (type == 'd') ? 0 : undefined;
} else if (precision == '*') {
precision = +a[i++];
} else if (precision.charAt(0) == '*') {
precision = +a[precision.slice(1, -1)];
} else {
precision = +precision;
// grab value using valueIndex if required?
value = valueIndex ? a[valueIndex.slice(0, -1)] : a[i++];
switch (type) {
case 's':
return formatString(String(value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad, customPadChar);
case 'c':
return formatString(String.fromCharCode(+value), leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
case 'b':
return formatBaseX(value, 2, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
case 'o':
return formatBaseX(value, 8, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
case 'x':
return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
case 'X':
return formatBaseX(value, 16, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad).toUpperCase();
case 'u':
return formatBaseX(value, 10, prefixBaseX, leftJustify, minWidth, precision, zeroPad);
case 'i':
case 'd':
number = +value || 0;
number = Math.round(number - number % 1); // Plain Math.round doesn't just truncate
prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
value = prefix + pad(String(Math.abs(number)), precision, '0', false);
return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad);
case 'e':
case 'E':
case 'f': // Should handle locales (as per setlocale)
case 'F':
case 'g':
case 'G':
number = +value;
prefix = number < 0 ? '-' : positivePrefix;
method = ['toExponential', 'toFixed', 'toPrecision']['efg'.indexOf(type.toLowerCase())];
textTransform = ['toString', 'toUpperCase']['eEfFgG'.indexOf(type) % 2];
value = prefix + Math.abs(number)[method](precision);
return justify(value, prefix, leftJustify, minWidth, zeroPad)[textTransform]();
return substring;
return format.replace(regex, doFormat);
* Represents a Gregorian date in a more precise format than the JavaScript Date object.
* In addition to submillisecond precision, this object can also represent leap seconds.
* @alias GregorianDate
* @constructor
* @see JulianDate#toGregorianDate
function GregorianDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, isLeapSecond) {
* Gets or sets the year as a whole number.
* @type {Number}
this.year = year;
* Gets or sets the month as a whole number with range [1, 12].
* @type {Number}
this.month = month;
* Gets or sets the day of the month as a whole number starting at 1.
* @type {Number}
*/ = day;
* Gets or sets the hour as a whole number with range [0, 23].
* @type {Number}
this.hour = hour;
* Gets or sets the minute of the hour as a whole number with range [0, 59].
* @type {Number}
this.minute = minute;
* Gets or sets the second of the minute as a whole number with range [0, 60], with 60 representing a leap second.
* @type {Number}
this.second = second;
* Gets or sets the millisecond of the second as a floating point number with range [0.0, 1000.0).
* @type {Number}
this.millisecond = millisecond;
* Gets or sets whether this time is during a leap second.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isLeapSecond = isLeapSecond;
* Determines if a given date is a leap year.
* @exports isLeapYear
* @param {Number} year The year to be tested.
* @returns {Boolean} True if <code>year</code> is a leap year.
* @example
* var leapYear = Cesium.isLeapYear(2000); // true
function isLeapYear(year) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (year === null || isNaN(year)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('year is required and must be a number.');
return ((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0);
* Describes a single leap second, which is constructed from a {@link JulianDate} and a
* numerical offset representing the number of seconds TAI is ahead of the UTC time standard.
* @alias LeapSecond
* @constructor
* @param {JulianDate} [date] A Julian date representing the time of the leap second.
* @param {Number} [offset] The cumulative number of seconds that TAI is ahead of UTC at the provided date.
function LeapSecond(date, offset) {
* Gets or sets the date at which this leap second occurs.
* @type {JulianDate}
this.julianDate = date;
* Gets or sets the cumulative number of seconds between the UTC and TAI time standards at the time
* of this leap second.
* @type {Number}
this.offset = offset;
* Constants for time conversions like those done by {@link JulianDate}.
* @exports TimeConstants
* @see JulianDate
* @private
var TimeConstants = {
* The number of seconds in one millisecond: <code>0.001</code>
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of seconds in one minute: <code>60</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of minutes in one hour: <code>60</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of hours in one day: <code>24</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of seconds in one hour: <code>3600</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of minutes in one day: <code>1440</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* The number of seconds in one day, ignoring leap seconds: <code>86400</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
SECONDS_PER_DAY : 86400.0,
* The number of days in one Julian century: <code>36525</code>.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
* One trillionth of a second.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
PICOSECOND : 0.000000001,
* The number of days to subtract from a Julian date to determine the
* modified Julian date, which gives the number of days since midnight
* on November 17, 1858.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
var TimeConstants$1 = Object.freeze(TimeConstants);
* Provides the type of time standards which JulianDate can take as input.
* @exports TimeStandard
* @see JulianDate
var TimeStandard = {
* Represents the coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time standard.
* UTC is related to TAI according to the relationship
* <code>UTC = TAI - deltaT</code> where <code>deltaT</code> is the number of leap
* seconds which have been introduced as of the time in TAI.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
UTC : 0,
* Represents the International Atomic Time (TAI) time standard.
* TAI is the principal time standard to which the other time standards are related.
* @type {Number}
* @constant
TAI : 1
var TimeStandard$1 = Object.freeze(TimeStandard);
var gregorianDateScratch = new GregorianDate();
var daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
var daysInLeapFeburary = 29;
function compareLeapSecondDates(leapSecond, dateToFind) {
return, dateToFind.julianDate);
// we don't really need a leap second instance, anything with a julianDate property will do
var binarySearchScratchLeapSecond = new LeapSecond();
function convertUtcToTai(julianDate) {
//Even though julianDate is in UTC, we'll treat it as TAI and
//search the leap second table for it.
binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;
var leapSeconds = JulianDate.leapSeconds;
var index = binarySearch(leapSeconds, binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, compareLeapSecondDates);
if (index < 0) {
index = ~index;
if (index >= leapSeconds.length) {
index = leapSeconds.length - 1;
var offset = leapSeconds[index].offset;
if (index > 0) {
//Now we have the index of the closest leap second that comes on or after our UTC time.
//However, if the difference between the UTC date being converted and the TAI
//defined leap second is greater than the offset, we are off by one and need to use
//the previous leap second.
var difference = JulianDate.secondsDifference(leapSeconds[index].julianDate, julianDate);
if (difference > offset) {
offset = leapSeconds[index].offset;
JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, offset, julianDate);
function convertTaiToUtc(julianDate, result) {
binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;
var leapSeconds = JulianDate.leapSeconds;
var index = binarySearch(leapSeconds, binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, compareLeapSecondDates);
if (index < 0) {
index = ~index;
//All times before our first leap second get the first offset.
if (index === 0) {
return JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[0].offset, result);
//All times after our leap second get the last offset.
if (index >= leapSeconds.length) {
return JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[index - 1].offset, result);
//Compute the difference between the found leap second and the time we are converting.
var difference = JulianDate.secondsDifference(leapSeconds[index].julianDate, julianDate);
if (difference === 0) {
//The date is in our leap second table.
return JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[index].offset, result);
if (difference <= 1.0) {
//The requested date is during the moment of a leap second, then we cannot convert to UTC
return undefined;
//The time is in between two leap seconds, index is the leap second after the date
//we're converting, so we subtract one to get the correct LeapSecond instance.
return JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[--index].offset, result);
function setComponents(wholeDays, secondsOfDay, julianDate) {
var extraDays = (secondsOfDay / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY) | 0;
wholeDays += extraDays;
secondsOfDay -= TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY * extraDays;
if (secondsOfDay < 0) {
secondsOfDay += TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
julianDate.dayNumber = wholeDays;
julianDate.secondsOfDay = secondsOfDay;
return julianDate;
function computeJulianDateComponents(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {
// Algorithm from page 604 of the Explanatory Supplement to the
// Astronomical Almanac (Seidelmann 1992).
var a = ((month - 14) / 12) | 0;
var b = year + 4800 + a;
var dayNumber = (((1461 * b) / 4) | 0) + (((367 * (month - 2 - 12 * a)) / 12) | 0) - (((3 * (((b + 100) / 100) | 0)) / 4) | 0) + day - 32075;
// JulianDates are noon-based
hour = hour - 12;
if (hour < 0) {
hour += 24;
var secondsOfDay = second + ((hour * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_HOUR) + (minute * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) + (millisecond * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND));
if (secondsOfDay >= 43200.0) {
dayNumber -= 1;
return [dayNumber, secondsOfDay];
//Regular expressions used for ISO8601 date parsing.
var matchCalendarYear = /^(\d{4})$/;
//YYYY-MM (YYYYMM is invalid)
var matchCalendarMonth = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})$/;
var matchOrdinalDate = /^(\d{4})-?(\d{3})$/;
//YYYY-Www or YYYYWww or YYYY-Www-D or YYYYWwwD
var matchWeekDate = /^(\d{4})-?W(\d{2})-?(\d{1})?$/;
var matchCalendarDate = /^(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})$/;
// Match utc offset
var utcOffset = /([Z+\-])?(\d{2})?:?(\d{2})?$/;
// Match hours HH or HH.xxxxx
var matchHours = /^(\d{2})(\.\d+)?/.source + utcOffset.source;
// Match hours/minutes HH:MM HHMM.xxxxx
var matchHoursMinutes = /^(\d{2}):?(\d{2})(\.\d+)?/.source + utcOffset.source;
// Match hours/minutes HH:MM:SS HHMMSS.xxxxx
var matchHoursMinutesSeconds = /^(\d{2}):?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})(\.\d+)?/.source + utcOffset.source;
var iso8601ErrorMessage = 'Invalid ISO 8601 date.';
* Represents an astronomical Julian date, which is the number of days since noon on January 1, -4712 (4713 BC).
* For increased precision, this class stores the whole number part of the date and the seconds
* part of the date in separate components. In order to be safe for arithmetic and represent
* leap seconds, the date is always stored in the International Atomic Time standard
* {@link TimeStandard.TAI}.
* @alias JulianDate
* @constructor
* @param {Number} [julianDayNumber=0.0] The Julian Day Number representing the number of whole days. Fractional days will also be handled correctly.
* @param {Number} [secondsOfDay=0.0] The number of seconds into the current Julian Day Number. Fractional seconds, negative seconds and seconds greater than a day will be handled correctly.
* @param {TimeStandard} [timeStandard=TimeStandard.UTC] The time standard in which the first two parameters are defined.
function JulianDate(julianDayNumber, secondsOfDay, timeStandard) {
* Gets or sets the number of whole days.
* @type {Number}
this.dayNumber = undefined;
* Gets or sets the number of seconds into the current day.
* @type {Number}
this.secondsOfDay = undefined;
julianDayNumber = when.defaultValue(julianDayNumber, 0.0);
secondsOfDay = when.defaultValue(secondsOfDay, 0.0);
timeStandard = when.defaultValue(timeStandard, TimeStandard$1.UTC);
//If julianDayNumber is fractional, make it an integer and add the number of seconds the fraction represented.
var wholeDays = julianDayNumber | 0;
secondsOfDay = secondsOfDay + (julianDayNumber - wholeDays) * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
setComponents(wholeDays, secondsOfDay, this);
if (timeStandard === TimeStandard$1.UTC) {
* Creates a new instance from a GregorianDate.
* @param {GregorianDate} date A GregorianDate.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
* @exception {DeveloperError} date must be a valid GregorianDate.
JulianDate.fromGregorianDate = function(date, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!(date instanceof GregorianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('date must be a valid GregorianDate.');
var components = computeJulianDateComponents(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new JulianDate(components[0], components[1], TimeStandard$1.UTC);
setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);
return result;
* Creates a new instance from a JavaScript Date.
* @param {Date} date A JavaScript Date.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
* @exception {DeveloperError} date must be a valid JavaScript Date.
JulianDate.fromDate = function(date, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!(date instanceof Date) || isNaN(date.getTime())) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('date must be a valid JavaScript Date.');
var components = computeJulianDateComponents(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds());
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new JulianDate(components[0], components[1], TimeStandard$1.UTC);
setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);
return result;
* Creates a new instance from a from an {@link|ISO 8601} date.
* This method is superior to <code>Date.parse</code> because it will handle all valid formats defined by the ISO 8601
* specification, including leap seconds and sub-millisecond times, which discarded by most JavaScript implementations.
* @param {String} iso8601String An ISO 8601 date.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
* @exception {DeveloperError} Invalid ISO 8601 date.
JulianDate.fromIso8601 = function(iso8601String, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (typeof iso8601String !== 'string') {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
//Comma and decimal point both indicate a fractional number according to ISO 8601,
//start out by blanket replacing , with . which is the only valid such symbol in JS.
iso8601String = iso8601String.replace(',', '.');
//Split the string into its date and time components, denoted by a mandatory T
var tokens = iso8601String.split('T');
var year;
var month = 1;
var day = 1;
var hour = 0;
var minute = 0;
var second = 0;
var millisecond = 0;
//Lacking a time is okay, but a missing date is illegal.
var date = tokens[0];
var time = tokens[1];
var tmp;
var inLeapYear;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(date)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
var dashCount;
//First match the date against possible regular expressions.
tokens = date.match(matchCalendarDate);
if (tokens !== null) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
dashCount = date.split('-').length - 1;
if (dashCount > 0 && dashCount !== 2) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
year = +tokens[1];
month = +tokens[2];
day = +tokens[3];
} else {
tokens = date.match(matchCalendarMonth);
if (tokens !== null) {
year = +tokens[1];
month = +tokens[2];
} else {
tokens = date.match(matchCalendarYear);
if (tokens !== null) {
year = +tokens[1];
} else {
//Not a year/month/day so it must be an ordinal date.
var dayOfYear;
tokens = date.match(matchOrdinalDate);
if (tokens !== null) {
year = +tokens[1];
dayOfYear = +tokens[2];
inLeapYear = isLeapYear(year);
//This validation is only applicable for this format.
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (dayOfYear < 1 || (inLeapYear && dayOfYear > 366) || (!inLeapYear && dayOfYear > 365)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
} else {
tokens = date.match(matchWeekDate);
if (tokens !== null) {
//ISO week date to ordinal date from
year = +tokens[1];
var weekNumber = +tokens[2];
var dayOfWeek = +tokens[3] || 0;
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
dashCount = date.split('-').length - 1;
if (dashCount > 0 &&
((!when.defined(tokens[3]) && dashCount !== 1) ||
(when.defined(tokens[3]) && dashCount !== 2))) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
var january4 = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 4));
dayOfYear = (weekNumber * 7) + dayOfWeek - january4.getUTCDay() - 3;
} else {
//None of our regular expressions succeeded in parsing the date properly.
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
//Split an ordinal date into month/day.
tmp = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 1));
month = tmp.getUTCMonth() + 1;
day = tmp.getUTCDate();
//Now that we have all of the date components, validate them to make sure nothing is out of range.
inLeapYear = isLeapYear(year);
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || ((month !== 2 || !inLeapYear) && day > daysInMonth[month - 1]) || (inLeapYear && month === 2 && day > daysInLeapFeburary)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
//Now move onto the time string, which is much simpler.
//If no time is specified, it is considered the beginning of the day, UTC to match Javascript's implementation.
var offsetIndex;
if (when.defined(time)) {
tokens = time.match(matchHoursMinutesSeconds);
if (tokens !== null) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
dashCount = time.split(':').length - 1;
if (dashCount > 0 && dashCount !== 2 && dashCount !== 3) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
hour = +tokens[1];
minute = +tokens[2];
second = +tokens[3];
millisecond = +(tokens[4] || 0) * 1000.0;
offsetIndex = 5;
} else {
tokens = time.match(matchHoursMinutes);
if (tokens !== null) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
dashCount = time.split(':').length - 1;
if (dashCount > 2) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
hour = +tokens[1];
minute = +tokens[2];
second = +(tokens[3] || 0) * 60.0;
offsetIndex = 4;
} else {
tokens = time.match(matchHours);
if (tokens !== null) {
hour = +tokens[1];
minute = +(tokens[2] || 0) * 60.0;
offsetIndex = 3;
} else {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
//Validate that all values are in proper range. Minutes and hours have special cases at 60 and 24.
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (minute >= 60 || second >= 61 || hour > 24 || (hour === 24 && (minute > 0 || second > 0 || millisecond > 0))) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError(iso8601ErrorMessage);
//Check the UTC offset value, if no value exists, use local time
//a Z indicates UTC, + or - are offsets.
var offset = tokens[offsetIndex];
var offsetHours = +(tokens[offsetIndex + 1]);
var offsetMinutes = +(tokens[offsetIndex + 2] || 0);
switch (offset) {
case '+':
hour = hour - offsetHours;
minute = minute - offsetMinutes;
case '-':
hour = hour + offsetHours;
minute = minute + offsetMinutes;
case 'Z':
minute = minute + new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute)).getTimezoneOffset();
//ISO8601 denotes a leap second by any time having a seconds component of 60 seconds.
//If that's the case, we need to temporarily subtract a second in order to build a UTC date.
//Then we add it back in after converting to TAI.
var isLeapSecond = second === 60;
if (isLeapSecond) {
//Even if we successfully parsed the string into its components, after applying UTC offset or
//special cases like 24:00:00 denoting midnight, we need to normalize the data appropriately.
//milliseconds can never be greater than 1000, and seconds can't be above 60, so we start with minutes
while (minute >= 60) {
minute -= 60;
while (hour >= 24) {
hour -= 24;
tmp = (inLeapYear && month === 2) ? daysInLeapFeburary : daysInMonth[month - 1];
while (day > tmp) {
day -= tmp;
if (month > 12) {
month -= 12;
tmp = (inLeapYear && month === 2) ? daysInLeapFeburary : daysInMonth[month - 1];
//If UTC offset is at the beginning/end of the day, minutes can be negative.
while (minute < 0) {
minute += 60;
while (hour < 0) {
hour += 24;
while (day < 1) {
if (month < 1) {
month += 12;
tmp = (inLeapYear && month === 2) ? daysInLeapFeburary : daysInMonth[month - 1];
day += tmp;
//Now create the JulianDate components from the Gregorian date and actually create our instance.
var components = computeJulianDateComponents(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new JulianDate(components[0], components[1], TimeStandard$1.UTC);
} else {
setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);
//If we were on a leap second, add it back.
if (isLeapSecond) {
JulianDate.addSeconds(result, 1, result);
return result;
* Creates a new instance that represents the current system time.
* This is equivalent to calling <code>JulianDate.fromDate(new Date());</code>.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
*/ = function(result) {
return JulianDate.fromDate(new Date(), result);
var toGregorianDateScratch = new JulianDate(0, 0, TimeStandard$1.TAI);
* Creates a {@link GregorianDate} from the provided instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.
* @param {GregorianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {GregorianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
JulianDate.toGregorianDate = function(julianDate, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
var isLeapSecond = false;
var thisUtc = convertTaiToUtc(julianDate, toGregorianDateScratch);
if (!when.defined(thisUtc)) {
//Conversion to UTC will fail if we are during a leap second.
//If that's the case, subtract a second and convert again.
//JavaScript doesn't support leap seconds, so this results in second 59 being repeated twice.
JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -1, toGregorianDateScratch);
thisUtc = convertTaiToUtc(toGregorianDateScratch, toGregorianDateScratch);
isLeapSecond = true;
var julianDayNumber = thisUtc.dayNumber;
var secondsOfDay = thisUtc.secondsOfDay;
if (secondsOfDay >= 43200.0) {
julianDayNumber += 1;
// Algorithm from page 604 of the Explanatory Supplement to the
// Astronomical Almanac (Seidelmann 1992).
var L = (julianDayNumber + 68569) | 0;
var N = (4 * L / 146097) | 0;
L = (L - (((146097 * N + 3) / 4) | 0)) | 0;
var I = ((4000 * (L + 1)) / 1461001) | 0;
L = (L - (((1461 * I) / 4) | 0) + 31) | 0;
var J = ((80 * L) / 2447) | 0;
var day = (L - (((2447 * J) / 80) | 0)) | 0;
L = (J / 11) | 0;
var month = (J + 2 - 12 * L) | 0;
var year = (100 * (N - 49) + I + L) | 0;
var hour = (secondsOfDay / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_HOUR) | 0;
var remainingSeconds = secondsOfDay - (hour * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_HOUR);
var minute = (remainingSeconds / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE) | 0;
remainingSeconds = remainingSeconds - (minute * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
var second = remainingSeconds | 0;
var millisecond = ((remainingSeconds - second) / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);
// JulianDates are noon-based
hour += 12;
if (hour > 23) {
hour -= 24;
//If we were on a leap second, add it back.
if (isLeapSecond) {
second += 1;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new GregorianDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, isLeapSecond);
result.year = year;
result.month = month; = day;
result.hour = hour;
result.minute = minute;
result.second = second;
result.millisecond = millisecond;
result.isLeapSecond = isLeapSecond;
return result;
* Creates a JavaScript Date from the provided instance.
* Since JavaScript dates are only accurate to the nearest millisecond and
* cannot represent a leap second, consider using {@link JulianDate.toGregorianDate} instead.
* If the provided JulianDate is during a leap second, the previous second is used.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.
* @returns {Date} A new instance representing the provided date.
JulianDate.toDate = function(julianDate) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
var gDate = JulianDate.toGregorianDate(julianDate, gregorianDateScratch);
var second = gDate.second;
if (gDate.isLeapSecond) {
second -= 1;
return new Date(Date.UTC(gDate.year, gDate.month - 1,, gDate.hour, gDate.minute, second, gDate.millisecond));
* Creates an ISO8601 representation of the provided date.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.
* @param {Number} [precision] The number of fractional digits used to represent the seconds component. By default, the most precise representation is used.
* @returns {String} The ISO8601 representation of the provided date.
JulianDate.toIso8601 = function(julianDate, precision) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
var gDate = JulianDate.toGregorianDate(julianDate, gregorianDateScratch);
var year = gDate.year;
var month = gDate.month;
var day =;
var hour = gDate.hour;
var minute = gDate.minute;
var second = gDate.second;
var millisecond = gDate.millisecond;
// special case - Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE produces a string which we can't parse unless we adjust.
// 10000-01-01T00:00:00 is the same instant as 9999-12-31T24:00:00
if (year === 10000 && month === 1 && day === 1 && hour === 0 && minute === 0 && second === 0 && millisecond === 0) {
year = 9999;
month = 12;
day = 31;
hour = 24;
var millisecondStr;
if (!when.defined(precision) && millisecond !== 0) {
//Forces milliseconds into a number with at least 3 digits to whatever the default toString() precision is.
millisecondStr = (millisecond * 0.01).toString().replace('.', '');
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%sZ', year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecondStr);
//Precision is either 0 or milliseconds is 0 with undefined precision, in either case, leave off milliseconds entirely
if (!when.defined(precision) || precision === 0) {
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ', year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
//Forces milliseconds into a number with at least 3 digits to whatever the specified precision is.
millisecondStr = (millisecond * 0.01).toFixed(precision).replace('.', '').slice(0, precision);
return sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%sZ', year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecondStr);
* Duplicates a JulianDate instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to duplicate.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided. Returns undefined if julianDate is undefined.
JulianDate.clone = function(julianDate, result) {
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
return undefined;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new JulianDate(julianDate.dayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay, TimeStandard$1.TAI);
result.dayNumber = julianDate.dayNumber;
result.secondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay;
return result;
* Compares two instances.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Number} A negative value if left is less than right, a positive value if left is greater than right, or zero if left and right are equal.
*/ = function(left, right) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(left)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('left is required.');
if (!when.defined(right)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('right is required.');
var julianDayNumberDifference = left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber;
if (julianDayNumberDifference !== 0) {
return julianDayNumberDifference;
return left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay;
* Compares two instances and returns <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} [left] The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if the dates are equal; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
JulianDate.equals = function(left, right) {
return (left === right) ||
(when.defined(left) &&
when.defined(right) &&
left.dayNumber === right.dayNumber &&
left.secondsOfDay === right.secondsOfDay);
* Compares two instances and returns <code>true</code> if they are within <code>epsilon</code> seconds of
* each other. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for
* this function to return <code>true</code>), the absolute value of the difference between them, in
* seconds, must be less than <code>epsilon</code>.
* @param {JulianDate} [left] The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.
* @param {Number} epsilon The maximum number of seconds that should separate the two instances.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if the two dates are within <code>epsilon</code> seconds of each other; otherwise <code>false</code>.
JulianDate.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(epsilon)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('epsilon is required.');
return (left === right) ||
(when.defined(left) &&
when.defined(right) &&
Math.abs(JulianDate.secondsDifference(left, right)) <= epsilon);
* Computes the total number of whole and fractional days represented by the provided instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @returns {Number} The Julian date as single floating point number.
JulianDate.totalDays = function(julianDate) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
return julianDate.dayNumber + (julianDate.secondsOfDay / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY);
* Computes the difference in seconds between the provided instance.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Number} The difference, in seconds, when subtracting <code>right</code> from <code>left</code>.
JulianDate.secondsDifference = function(left, right) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(left)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('left is required.');
if (!when.defined(right)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('right is required.');
var dayDifference = (left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber) * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return (dayDifference + (left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay));
* Computes the difference in days between the provided instance.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Number} The difference, in days, when subtracting <code>right</code> from <code>left</code>.
JulianDate.daysDifference = function(left, right) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(left)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('left is required.');
if (!when.defined(right)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('right is required.');
var dayDifference = (left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber);
var secondDifference = (left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay) / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
return dayDifference + secondDifference;
* Computes the number of seconds the provided instance is ahead of UTC.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @returns {Number} The number of seconds the provided instance is ahead of UTC
JulianDate.computeTaiMinusUtc = function(julianDate) {
binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;
var leapSeconds = JulianDate.leapSeconds;
var index = binarySearch(leapSeconds, binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, compareLeapSecondDates);
if (index < 0) {
index = ~index;
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
return leapSeconds[index].offset;
* Adds the provided number of seconds to the provided date instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @param {Number} seconds The number of seconds to add or subtract.
* @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.
JulianDate.addSeconds = function(julianDate, seconds, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
if (!when.defined(seconds)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('seconds is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
return setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay + seconds, result);
* Adds the provided number of minutes to the provided date instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @param {Number} minutes The number of minutes to add or subtract.
* @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.
JulianDate.addMinutes = function(julianDate, minutes, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
if (!when.defined(minutes)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('minutes is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
var newSecondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay + (minutes * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_MINUTE);
return setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, newSecondsOfDay, result);
* Adds the provided number of hours to the provided date instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @param {Number} hours The number of hours to add or subtract.
* @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.
JulianDate.addHours = function(julianDate, hours, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
if (!when.defined(hours)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('hours is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
var newSecondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay + (hours * TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_HOUR);
return setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, newSecondsOfDay, result);
* Adds the provided number of days to the provided date instance.
* @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.
* @param {Number} days The number of days to add or subtract.
* @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.
JulianDate.addDays = function(julianDate, days, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(julianDate)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('julianDate is required.');
if (!when.defined(days)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('days is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
var newJulianDayNumber = julianDate.dayNumber + days;
return setComponents(newJulianDayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay, result);
* Compares the provided instances and returns <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is earlier than <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is earlier than <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
JulianDate.lessThan = function(left, right) {
return, right) < 0;
* Compares the provided instances and returns <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is earlier than or equal to <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is earlier than or equal to <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
JulianDate.lessThanOrEquals = function(left, right) {
return, right) <= 0;
* Compares the provided instances and returns <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is later than <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is later than <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
JulianDate.greaterThan = function(left, right) {
return, right) > 0;
* Compares the provided instances and returns <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is later than or equal to <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.
* @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if <code>left</code> is later than or equal to <code>right</code>, <code>false</code> otherwise.
JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals = function(left, right) {
return, right) >= 0;
* Duplicates this instance.
* @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.
* @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.
JulianDate.prototype.clone = function(result) {
return JulianDate.clone(this, result);
* Compares this and the provided instance and returns <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if the dates are equal; otherwise, <code>false</code>.
JulianDate.prototype.equals = function(right) {
return JulianDate.equals(this, right);
* Compares this and the provided instance and returns <code>true</code> if they are within <code>epsilon</code> seconds of
* each other. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for
* this function to return <code>true</code>), the absolute value of the difference between them, in
* seconds, must be less than <code>epsilon</code>.
* @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.
* @param {Number} epsilon The maximum number of seconds that should separate the two instances.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if the two dates are within <code>epsilon</code> seconds of each other; otherwise <code>false</code>.
JulianDate.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {
return JulianDate.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);
* Creates a string representing this date in ISO8601 format.
* @returns {String} A string representing this date in ISO8601 format.
JulianDate.prototype.toString = function() {
return JulianDate.toIso8601(this);
* Gets or sets the list of leap seconds used throughout Cesium.
* @memberof JulianDate
* @type {LeapSecond[]}
JulianDate.leapSeconds = [
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2441317, 43210.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 10), // January 1, 1972 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2441499, 43211.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 11), // July 1, 1972 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2441683, 43212.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 12), // January 1, 1973 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2442048, 43213.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 13), // January 1, 1974 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2442413, 43214.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 14), // January 1, 1975 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2442778, 43215.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 15), // January 1, 1976 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2443144, 43216.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 16), // January 1, 1977 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2443509, 43217.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 17), // January 1, 1978 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2443874, 43218.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 18), // January 1, 1979 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2444239, 43219.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 19), // January 1, 1980 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2444786, 43220.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 20), // July 1, 1981 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2445151, 43221.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 21), // July 1, 1982 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2445516, 43222.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 22), // July 1, 1983 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2446247, 43223.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 23), // July 1, 1985 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2447161, 43224.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 24), // January 1, 1988 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2447892, 43225.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 25), // January 1, 1990 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2448257, 43226.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 26), // January 1, 1991 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2448804, 43227.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 27), // July 1, 1992 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2449169, 43228.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 28), // July 1, 1993 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2449534, 43229.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 29), // July 1, 1994 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2450083, 43230.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 30), // January 1, 1996 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2450630, 43231.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 31), // July 1, 1997 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2451179, 43232.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 32), // January 1, 1999 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2453736, 43233.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 33), // January 1, 2006 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2454832, 43234.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 34), // January 1, 2009 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2456109, 43235.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 35), // July 1, 2012 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2457204, 43236.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 36), // July 1, 2015 00:00:00 UTC
new LeapSecond(new JulianDate(2457754, 43237.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI), 37) // January 1, 2017 00:00:00 UTC
* Specifies Earth polar motion coordinates and the difference between UT1 and UTC.
* These Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) are primarily used in the transformation from
* the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) to the International Terrestrial
* Reference Frame (ITRF).
* @alias EarthOrientationParameters
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
* @param {Resource|String} [options.url] The URL from which to obtain EOP data. If neither this
* parameter nor is specified, all EOP values are assumed
* to be 0.0. If is specified, this parameter is
* ignored.
* @param {Object} [] The actual EOP data. If neither this
* parameter nor is specified, all EOP values are assumed
* to be 0.0.
* @param {Boolean} [options.addNewLeapSeconds=true] True if leap seconds that
* are specified in the EOP data but not in {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}
* should be added to {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}. False if
* new leap seconds should be handled correctly in the context
* of the EOP data but otherwise ignored.
* @example
* // An example EOP data file, EOP.json:
* {
* "columnNames" : ["dateIso8601","modifiedJulianDateUtc","xPoleWanderRadians","yPoleWanderRadians","ut1MinusUtcSeconds","lengthOfDayCorrectionSeconds","xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians","yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians","taiMinusUtcSeconds"],
* "samples" : [
* "2011-07-01T00:00:00Z",55743.0,2.117957047295119e-7,2.111518721609984e-6,-0.2908948,-2.956e-4,3.393695767766752e-11,3.3452143996557983e-10,34.0,
* "2011-07-02T00:00:00Z",55744.0,2.193297093339541e-7,2.115460256837405e-6,-0.29065,-1.824e-4,-8.241832578862112e-11,5.623838700870617e-10,34.0,
* "2011-07-03T00:00:00Z",55745.0,2.262286080161428e-7,2.1191157519929706e-6,-0.2905572,1.9e-6,-3.490658503988659e-10,6.981317007977318e-10,34.0
* ]
* }
* @example
* // Loading the EOP data
* var eop = new Cesium.EarthOrientationParameters({ url : 'Data/EOP.json' });
* Cesium.Transforms.earthOrientationParameters = eop;
* @private
function EarthOrientationParameters(options) {
options = when.defaultValue(options, when.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
this._dates = undefined;
this._samples = undefined;
this._dateColumn = -1;
this._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = -1;
this._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = -1;
this._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = -1;
this._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = -1;
this._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = -1;
this._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = -1;
this._columnCount = 0;
this._lastIndex = -1;
this._downloadPromise = undefined;
this._dataError = undefined;
this._addNewLeapSeconds = when.defaultValue(options.addNewLeapSeconds, true);
if (when.defined( {
// Use supplied EOP data.
} else if (when.defined(options.url)) {
var resource = buildModuleUrl.Resource.createIfNeeded(options.url);
// Download EOP data.
var that = this;
this._downloadPromise = when.when(resource.fetchJson(), function(eopData) {
onDataReady(that, eopData);
}, function() {
that._dataError = 'An error occurred while retrieving the EOP data from the URL ' + resource.url + '.';
} else {
// Use all zeros for EOP data.
onDataReady(this, {
'columnNames' : ['dateIso8601', 'modifiedJulianDateUtc', 'xPoleWanderRadians', 'yPoleWanderRadians', 'ut1MinusUtcSeconds', 'lengthOfDayCorrectionSeconds', 'xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians', 'yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians', 'taiMinusUtcSeconds'],
'samples' : []
* A default {@link EarthOrientationParameters} instance that returns zero for all EOP values.
EarthOrientationParameters.NONE = Object.freeze({
getPromiseToLoad : function() {
return when.when();
compute : function(date, result) {
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new EarthOrientationParametersSample(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
} else {
result.xPoleWander = 0.0;
result.yPoleWander = 0.0;
result.xPoleOffset = 0.0;
result.yPoleOffset = 0.0;
result.ut1MinusUtc = 0.0;
return result;
* Gets a promise that, when resolved, indicates that the EOP data has been loaded and is
* ready to use.
* @returns {Promise} The promise.
* @see when
EarthOrientationParameters.prototype.getPromiseToLoad = function() {
return when.when(this._downloadPromise);
* Computes the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) for a given date by interpolating.
* If the EOP data has not yet been download, this method returns undefined.
* @param {JulianDate} date The date for each to evaluate the EOP.
* @param {EarthOrientationParametersSample} [result] The instance to which to copy the result.
* If this parameter is undefined, a new instance is created and returned.
* @returns {EarthOrientationParametersSample} The EOP evaluated at the given date, or
* undefined if the data necessary to evaluate EOP at the date has not yet been
* downloaded.
* @exception {RuntimeError} The loaded EOP data has an error and cannot be used.
* @see EarthOrientationParameters#getPromiseToLoad
EarthOrientationParameters.prototype.compute = function(date, result) {
// We cannot compute until the samples are available.
if (!when.defined(this._samples)) {
if (when.defined(this._dataError)) {
throw new RuntimeError.RuntimeError(this._dataError);
return undefined;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new EarthOrientationParametersSample(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if (this._samples.length === 0) {
result.xPoleWander = 0.0;
result.yPoleWander = 0.0;
result.xPoleOffset = 0.0;
result.yPoleOffset = 0.0;
result.ut1MinusUtc = 0.0;
return result;
var dates = this._dates;
var lastIndex = this._lastIndex;
var before = 0;
var after = 0;
if (when.defined(lastIndex)) {
var previousIndexDate = dates[lastIndex];
var nextIndexDate = dates[lastIndex + 1];
var isAfterPrevious = JulianDate.lessThanOrEquals(previousIndexDate, date);
var isAfterLastSample = !when.defined(nextIndexDate);
var isBeforeNext = isAfterLastSample || JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals(nextIndexDate, date);
if (isAfterPrevious && isBeforeNext) {
before = lastIndex;
if (!isAfterLastSample && nextIndexDate.equals(date)) {
after = before + 1;
interpolate(this, dates, this._samples, date, before, after, result);
return result;
var index = binarySearch(dates, date,, this._dateColumn);
if (index >= 0) {
// If the next entry is the same date, use the later entry. This way, if two entries
// describe the same moment, one before a leap second and the other after, then we will use
// the post-leap second data.
if (index < dates.length - 1 && dates[index + 1].equals(date)) {
before = index;
after = index;
} else {
after = ~index;
before = after - 1;
// Use the first entry if the date requested is before the beginning of the data.
if (before < 0) {
before = 0;
this._lastIndex = before;
interpolate(this, dates, this._samples, date, before, after, result);
return result;
function compareLeapSecondDates$1(leapSecond, dateToFind) {
return, dateToFind);
function onDataReady(eop, eopData) {
if (!when.defined(eopData.columnNames)) {
eop._dataError = 'Error in loaded EOP data: The columnNames property is required.';
if (!when.defined(eopData.samples)) {
eop._dataError = 'Error in loaded EOP data: The samples property is required.';
var dateColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('modifiedJulianDateUtc');
var xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('xPoleWanderRadians');
var yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('yPoleWanderRadians');
var ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('ut1MinusUtcSeconds');
var xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians');
var yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians');
var taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf('taiMinusUtcSeconds');
if (dateColumn < 0 || xPoleWanderRadiansColumn < 0 || yPoleWanderRadiansColumn < 0 || ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn < 0 || xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn < 0 || yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn < 0 || taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn < 0) {
eop._dataError = 'Error in loaded EOP data: The columnNames property must include modifiedJulianDateUtc, xPoleWanderRadians, yPoleWanderRadians, ut1MinusUtcSeconds, xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians, yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians, and taiMinusUtcSeconds columns';
var samples = eop._samples = eopData.samples;
var dates = eop._dates = [];
eop._dateColumn = dateColumn;
eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = xPoleWanderRadiansColumn;
eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = yPoleWanderRadiansColumn;
eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn;
eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn;
eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn;
eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn;
eop._columnCount = eopData.columnNames.length;
eop._lastIndex = undefined;
var lastTaiMinusUtc;
var addNewLeapSeconds = eop._addNewLeapSeconds;
// Convert the ISO8601 dates to JulianDates.
for (var i = 0, len = samples.length; i < len; i += eop._columnCount) {
var mjd = samples[i + dateColumn];
var taiMinusUtc = samples[i + taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];
var day = mjd + TimeConstants$1.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE_DIFFERENCE;
var date = new JulianDate(day, taiMinusUtc, TimeStandard$1.TAI);
if (addNewLeapSeconds) {
if (taiMinusUtc !== lastTaiMinusUtc && when.defined(lastTaiMinusUtc)) {
// We crossed a leap second boundary, so add the leap second
// if it does not already exist.
var leapSeconds = JulianDate.leapSeconds;
var leapSecondIndex = binarySearch(leapSeconds, date, compareLeapSecondDates$1);
if (leapSecondIndex < 0) {
var leapSecond = new LeapSecond(date, taiMinusUtc);
leapSeconds.splice(~leapSecondIndex, 0, leapSecond);
lastTaiMinusUtc = taiMinusUtc;
function fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, index, columnCount, result) {
var start = index * columnCount;
result.xPoleWander = samples[start + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn];
result.yPoleWander = samples[start + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn];
result.xPoleOffset = samples[start + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn];
result.yPoleOffset = samples[start + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn];
result.ut1MinusUtc = samples[start + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];
function linearInterp(dx, y1, y2) {
return y1 + dx * (y2 - y1);
function interpolate(eop, dates, samples, date, before, after, result) {
var columnCount = eop._columnCount;
// First check the bounds on the EOP data
// If we are after the bounds of the data, return zeros.
// The 'before' index should never be less than zero.
if (after > dates.length - 1) {
result.xPoleWander = 0;
result.yPoleWander = 0;
result.xPoleOffset = 0;
result.yPoleOffset = 0;
result.ut1MinusUtc = 0;
return result;
var beforeDate = dates[before];
var afterDate = dates[after];
if (beforeDate.equals(afterDate) || date.equals(beforeDate)) {
fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, before, columnCount, result);
return result;
} else if (date.equals(afterDate)) {
fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, after, columnCount, result);
return result;
var factor = JulianDate.secondsDifference(date, beforeDate) / JulianDate.secondsDifference(afterDate, beforeDate);
var startBefore = before * columnCount;
var startAfter = after * columnCount;
// Handle UT1 leap second edge case
var beforeUt1MinusUtc = samples[startBefore + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];
var afterUt1MinusUtc = samples[startAfter + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];
var offsetDifference = afterUt1MinusUtc - beforeUt1MinusUtc;
if (offsetDifference > 0.5 || offsetDifference < -0.5) {
// The absolute difference between the values is more than 0.5, so we may have
// crossed a leap second. Check if this is the case and, if so, adjust the
// afterValue to account for the leap second. This way, our interpolation will
// produce reasonable results.
var beforeTaiMinusUtc = samples[startBefore + eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];
var afterTaiMinusUtc = samples[startAfter + eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];
if (beforeTaiMinusUtc !== afterTaiMinusUtc) {
if (afterDate.equals(date)) {
// If we are at the end of the leap second interval, take the second value
// Otherwise, the interpolation below will yield the wrong side of the
// discontinuity
// At the end of the leap second, we need to start accounting for the jump
beforeUt1MinusUtc = afterUt1MinusUtc;
} else {
// Otherwise, remove the leap second so that the interpolation is correct
afterUt1MinusUtc -= afterTaiMinusUtc - beforeTaiMinusUtc;
result.xPoleWander = linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn]);
result.yPoleWander = linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn]);
result.xPoleOffset = linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn]);
result.yPoleOffset = linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn]);
result.ut1MinusUtc = linearInterp(factor, beforeUt1MinusUtc, afterUt1MinusUtc);
return result;
* A rotation expressed as a heading, pitch, and roll. Heading is the rotation about the
* negative z axis. Pitch is the rotation about the negative y axis. Roll is the rotation about
* the positive x axis.
* @alias HeadingPitchRoll
* @constructor
* @param {Number} [heading=0.0] The heading component in radians.
* @param {Number} [pitch=0.0] The pitch component in radians.
* @param {Number} [roll=0.0] The roll component in radians.
function HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll) {
this.heading = when.defaultValue(heading, 0.0);
this.pitch = when.defaultValue(pitch, 0.0);
this.roll = when.defaultValue(roll, 0.0);
* Computes the heading, pitch and roll from a quaternion (see )
* @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion from which to retrieve heading, pitch, and roll, all expressed in radians.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object in which to store the result. If not provided, a new instance is created and returned.
* @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided.
HeadingPitchRoll.fromQuaternion = function(quaternion, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(quaternion)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('quaternion is required');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new HeadingPitchRoll();
var test = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.y - quaternion.z * quaternion.x);
var denominatorRoll = 1 - 2 * (quaternion.x * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.y);
var numeratorRoll = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.z);
var denominatorHeading = 1 - 2 * (quaternion.y * quaternion.y + quaternion.z * quaternion.z);
var numeratorHeading = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.z + quaternion.x * quaternion.y);
result.heading = -Math.atan2(numeratorHeading, denominatorHeading);
result.roll = Math.atan2(numeratorRoll, denominatorRoll);
result.pitch = -_Math.CesiumMath.asinClamped(test);
return result;
* Returns a new HeadingPitchRoll instance from angles given in degrees.
* @param {Number} heading the heading in degrees
* @param {Number} pitch the pitch in degrees
* @param {Number} roll the heading in degrees
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object in which to store the result. If not provided, a new instance is created and returned.
* @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} A new HeadingPitchRoll instance
HeadingPitchRoll.fromDegrees = function(heading, pitch, roll, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(heading)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('heading is required');
if (!when.defined(pitch)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('pitch is required');
if (!when.defined(roll)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('roll is required');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new HeadingPitchRoll();
result.heading = heading * _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
result.pitch = pitch * _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
result.roll = roll * _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;
return result;
* Duplicates a HeadingPitchRoll instance.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The HeadingPitchRoll to duplicate.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if headingPitchRoll is undefined)
HeadingPitchRoll.clone = function(headingPitchRoll, result) {
if (!when.defined(headingPitchRoll)) {
return undefined;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new HeadingPitchRoll(headingPitchRoll.heading, headingPitchRoll.pitch, headingPitchRoll.roll);
result.heading = headingPitchRoll.heading;
result.pitch = headingPitchRoll.pitch;
result.roll = headingPitchRoll.roll;
return result;
* Compares the provided HeadingPitchRolls componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [left] The first HeadingPitchRoll.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The second HeadingPitchRoll.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
HeadingPitchRoll.equals = function(left, right) {
return (left === right) ||
((when.defined(left)) &&
(when.defined(right)) &&
(left.heading === right.heading) &&
(left.pitch === right.pitch) &&
(left.roll === right.roll));
* Compares the provided HeadingPitchRolls componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [left] The first HeadingPitchRoll.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The second HeadingPitchRoll.
* @param {Number} relativeEpsilon The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
* @param {Number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if left and right are within the provided epsilon, <code>false</code> otherwise.
HeadingPitchRoll.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {
return (left === right) ||
(when.defined(left) &&
when.defined(right) &&
_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(left.heading, right.heading, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) &&
_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(left.pitch, right.pitch, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) &&
_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(left.roll, right.roll, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon));
* Duplicates this HeadingPitchRoll instance.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided.
HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.clone = function(result) {
return HeadingPitchRoll.clone(this, result);
* Compares this HeadingPitchRoll against the provided HeadingPitchRoll componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The right hand side HeadingPitchRoll.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if they are equal, <code>false</code> otherwise.
HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.equals = function(right) {
return HeadingPitchRoll.equals(this, right);
* Compares this HeadingPitchRoll against the provided HeadingPitchRoll componentwise and returns
* <code>true</code> if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The right hand side HeadingPitchRoll.
* @param {Number} relativeEpsilon The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
* @param {Number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.
* @returns {Boolean} <code>true</code> if they are within the provided epsilon, <code>false</code> otherwise.
HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {
return HeadingPitchRoll.equalsEpsilon(this, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);
* Creates a string representing this HeadingPitchRoll in the format '(heading, pitch, roll)' in radians.
* @returns {String} A string representing the provided HeadingPitchRoll in the format '(heading, pitch, roll)'.
HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.toString = function() {
return '(' + this.heading + ', ' + this.pitch + ', ' + this.roll + ')';
* An IAU 2006 XYS value sampled at a particular time.
* @alias Iau2006XysSample
* @constructor
* @param {Number} x The X value.
* @param {Number} y The Y value.
* @param {Number} s The S value.
* @private
function Iau2006XysSample(x, y, s) {
* The X value.
* @type {Number}
this.x = x;
* The Y value.
* @type {Number}
this.y = y;
* The S value.
* @type {Number}
this.s = s;
* A set of IAU2006 XYS data that is used to evaluate the transformation between the International
* Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
* @alias Iau2006XysData
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [options] Object with the following properties:
* @param {Resource|String} [options.xysFileUrlTemplate='Assets/IAU2006_XYS/IAU2006_XYS_{0}.json'] A template URL for obtaining the XYS data. In the template,
* `{0}` will be replaced with the file index.
* @param {Number} [options.interpolationOrder=9] The order of interpolation to perform on the XYS data.
* @param {Number} [options.sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate=2442396.5] The Julian ephemeris date (JED) of the
* first XYS sample.
* @param {Number} [options.stepSizeDays=1.0] The step size, in days, between successive XYS samples.
* @param {Number} [options.samplesPerXysFile=1000] The number of samples in each XYS file.
* @param {Number} [options.totalSamples=27426] The total number of samples in all XYS files.
* @private
function Iau2006XysData(options) {
options = when.defaultValue(options, when.defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT);
this._xysFileUrlTemplate = buildModuleUrl.Resource.createIfNeeded(options.xysFileUrlTemplate);
this._interpolationOrder = when.defaultValue(options.interpolationOrder, 9);
this._sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate = when.defaultValue(options.sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate, 2442396.5);
this._sampleZeroDateTT = new JulianDate(this._sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate, 0.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI);
this._stepSizeDays = when.defaultValue(options.stepSizeDays, 1.0);
this._samplesPerXysFile = when.defaultValue(options.samplesPerXysFile, 1000);
this._totalSamples = when.defaultValue(options.totalSamples, 27426);
this._samples = new Array(this._totalSamples * 3);
this._chunkDownloadsInProgress = [];
var order = this._interpolationOrder;
// Compute denominators and X values for interpolation.
var denom = this._denominators = new Array(order + 1);
var xTable = this._xTable = new Array(order + 1);
var stepN = Math.pow(this._stepSizeDays, order);
for ( var i = 0; i <= order; ++i) {
denom[i] = stepN;
xTable[i] = i * this._stepSizeDays;
for ( var j = 0; j <= order; ++j) {
if (j !== i) {
denom[i] *= (i - j);
denom[i] = 1.0 / denom[i];
// Allocate scratch arrays for interpolation.
this._work = new Array(order + 1);
this._coef = new Array(order + 1);
var julianDateScratch = new JulianDate(0, 0.0, TimeStandard$1.TAI);
function getDaysSinceEpoch(xys, dayTT, secondTT) {
var dateTT = julianDateScratch;
dateTT.dayNumber = dayTT;
dateTT.secondsOfDay = secondTT;
return JulianDate.daysDifference(dateTT, xys._sampleZeroDateTT);
* Preloads XYS data for a specified date range.
* @param {Number} startDayTT The Julian day number of the beginning of the interval to preload, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @param {Number} startSecondTT The seconds past noon of the beginning of the interval to preload, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @param {Number} stopDayTT The Julian day number of the end of the interval to preload, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @param {Number} stopSecondTT The seconds past noon of the end of the interval to preload, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that, when resolved, indicates that the requested interval has been
* preloaded.
Iau2006XysData.prototype.preload = function(startDayTT, startSecondTT, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT) {
var startDaysSinceEpoch = getDaysSinceEpoch(this, startDayTT, startSecondTT);
var stopDaysSinceEpoch = getDaysSinceEpoch(this, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT);
var startIndex = (startDaysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays - this._interpolationOrder / 2) | 0;
if (startIndex < 0) {
startIndex = 0;
var stopIndex = (stopDaysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays - this._interpolationOrder / 2) | 0 + this._interpolationOrder;
if (stopIndex >= this._totalSamples) {
stopIndex = this._totalSamples - 1;
var startChunk = (startIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile) | 0;
var stopChunk = (stopIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile) | 0;
var promises = [];
for ( var i = startChunk; i <= stopChunk; ++i) {
promises.push(requestXysChunk(this, i));
return when.when.all(promises);
* Computes the XYS values for a given date by interpolating. If the required data is not yet downloaded,
* this method will return undefined.
* @param {Number} dayTT The Julian day number for which to compute the XYS value, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @param {Number} secondTT The seconds past noon of the date for which to compute the XYS value, expressed in
* the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.
* @param {Iau2006XysSample} [result] The instance to which to copy the interpolated result. If this parameter
* is undefined, a new instance is allocated and returned.
* @returns {Iau2006XysSample} The interpolated XYS values, or undefined if the required data for this
* computation has not yet been downloaded.
* @see Iau2006XysData#preload
Iau2006XysData.prototype.computeXysRadians = function(dayTT, secondTT, result) {
var daysSinceEpoch = getDaysSinceEpoch(this, dayTT, secondTT);
if (daysSinceEpoch < 0.0) {
// Can't evaluate prior to the epoch of the data.
return undefined;
var centerIndex = (daysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays) | 0;
if (centerIndex >= this._totalSamples) {
// Can't evaluate after the last sample in the data.
return undefined;
var degree = this._interpolationOrder;
var firstIndex = centerIndex - ((degree / 2) | 0);
if (firstIndex < 0) {
firstIndex = 0;
var lastIndex = firstIndex + degree;
if (lastIndex >= this._totalSamples) {
lastIndex = this._totalSamples - 1;
firstIndex = lastIndex - degree;
if (firstIndex < 0) {
firstIndex = 0;
// Are all the samples we need present?
// We can assume so if the first and last are present
var isDataMissing = false;
var samples = this._samples;
if (!when.defined(samples[firstIndex * 3])) {
requestXysChunk(this, (firstIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile) | 0);
isDataMissing = true;
if (!when.defined(samples[lastIndex * 3])) {
requestXysChunk(this, (lastIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile) | 0);
isDataMissing = true;
if (isDataMissing) {
return undefined;
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new Iau2006XysSample(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
} else {
result.x = 0.0;
result.y = 0.0;
result.s = 0.0;
var x = daysSinceEpoch - firstIndex * this._stepSizeDays;
var work = this._work;
var denom = this._denominators;
var coef = this._coef;
var xTable = this._xTable;
var i, j;
for (i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) {
work[i] = x - xTable[i];
for (i = 0; i <= degree; ++i) {
coef[i] = 1.0;
for (j = 0; j <= degree; ++j) {
if (j !== i) {
coef[i] *= work[j];
coef[i] *= denom[i];
var sampleIndex = (firstIndex + i) * 3;
result.x += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex++];
result.y += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex++];
result.s += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex];
return result;
function requestXysChunk(xysData, chunkIndex) {
if (xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex]) {
// Chunk has already been requested.
return xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex];
var deferred = when.when.defer();
xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex] = deferred;
var chunkUrl;
var xysFileUrlTemplate = xysData._xysFileUrlTemplate;
if (when.defined(xysFileUrlTemplate)) {
chunkUrl = xysFileUrlTemplate.getDerivedResource({
templateValues: {
'0': chunkIndex
} else {
chunkUrl = new buildModuleUrl.Resource({
url : buildModuleUrl.buildModuleUrl('Assets/IAU2006_XYS/IAU2006_XYS_' + chunkIndex + '.json')
when.when(chunkUrl.fetchJson(), function(chunk) {
xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex] = false;
var samples = xysData._samples;
var newSamples = chunk.samples;
var startIndex = chunkIndex * xysData._samplesPerXysFile * 3;
for ( var i = 0, len = newSamples.length; i < len; ++i) {
samples[startIndex + i] = newSamples[i];
return deferred.promise;
* Contains functions for transforming positions to various reference frames.
* @exports Transforms
* @namespace
var Transforms = {};
var vectorProductLocalFrame = {
up : {
south : 'east',
north : 'west',
west : 'south',
east : 'north'
down : {
south : 'west',
north : 'east',
west : 'north',
east : 'south'
south : {
up : 'west',
down : 'east',
west : 'down',
east : 'up'
north : {
up : 'east',
down : 'west',
west : 'up',
east : 'down'
west : {
up : 'north',
down : 'south',
north : 'down',
south : 'up'
east : {
up : 'south',
down : 'north',
north : 'up',
south : 'down'
var degeneratePositionLocalFrame = {
north : [-1, 0, 0],
east : [0, 1, 0],
up : [0, 0, 1],
south : [1, 0, 0],
west : [0, -1, 0],
down : [0, 0, -1]
var localFrameToFixedFrameCache = {};
var scratchCalculateCartesian = {
east : new Cartographic.Cartesian3(),
north : new Cartographic.Cartesian3(),
up : new Cartographic.Cartesian3(),
west : new Cartographic.Cartesian3(),
south : new Cartographic.Cartesian3(),
down : new Cartographic.Cartesian3()
var scratchFirstCartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var scratchSecondCartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var scratchThirdCartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
* Generates a function that computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* @param {String} firstAxis name of the first axis of the local reference frame. Must be
* 'east', 'north', 'up', 'west', 'south' or 'down'.
* @param {String} secondAxis name of the second axis of the local reference frame. Must be
* 'east', 'north', 'up', 'west', 'south' or 'down'.
* @return {localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator~resultat} The function that will computes a
* 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame, with first axis and second axis compliant with the parameters,
Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator = function (firstAxis, secondAxis) {
if (!vectorProductLocalFrame.hasOwnProperty(firstAxis) || !vectorProductLocalFrame[firstAxis].hasOwnProperty(secondAxis)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('firstAxis and secondAxis must be east, north, up, west, south or down.');
var thirdAxis = vectorProductLocalFrame[firstAxis][secondAxis];
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* @callback Transforms~LocalFrameToFixedFrame
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
var resultat;
var hashAxis = firstAxis + secondAxis;
if (when.defined(localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis])) {
resultat = localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis];
} else {
resultat = function (origin, ellipsoid, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(origin)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('origin is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
if (Cartographic.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(origin, Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON14)) {
// If x, y, and z are zero, use the degenerate local frame, which is a special case
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[firstAxis], 0, scratchFirstCartesian);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[secondAxis], 0, scratchSecondCartesian);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[thirdAxis], 0, scratchThirdCartesian);
} else if (_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(origin.x, 0.0, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON14) && _Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(origin.y, 0.0, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON14)) {
// If x and y are zero, assume origin is at a pole, which is a special case.
var sign = _Math.CesiumMath.sign(origin.z);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[firstAxis], 0, scratchFirstCartesian);
if (firstAxis !== 'east' && firstAxis !== 'west') {
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchFirstCartesian, sign, scratchFirstCartesian);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[secondAxis], 0, scratchSecondCartesian);
if (secondAxis !== 'east' && secondAxis !== 'west') {
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchSecondCartesian, sign, scratchSecondCartesian);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(degeneratePositionLocalFrame[thirdAxis], 0, scratchThirdCartesian);
if (thirdAxis !== 'east' && thirdAxis !== 'west') {
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchThirdCartesian, sign, scratchThirdCartesian);
} else {
ellipsoid = when.defaultValue(ellipsoid, Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(origin, scratchCalculateCartesian.up);
var up = scratchCalculateCartesian.up;
var east = scratchCalculateCartesian.east;
east.x = -origin.y;
east.y = origin.x;
east.z = 0.0;
Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(east, scratchCalculateCartesian.east);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(up, east, scratchCalculateCartesian.north);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchCalculateCartesian.up, -1, scratchCalculateCartesian.down);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchCalculateCartesian.east, -1, scratchCalculateCartesian.west);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(scratchCalculateCartesian.north, -1, scratchCalculateCartesian.south);
scratchFirstCartesian = scratchCalculateCartesian[firstAxis];
scratchSecondCartesian = scratchCalculateCartesian[secondAxis];
scratchThirdCartesian = scratchCalculateCartesian[thirdAxis];
result[0] = scratchFirstCartesian.x;
result[1] = scratchFirstCartesian.y;
result[2] = scratchFirstCartesian.z;
result[3] = 0.0;
result[4] = scratchSecondCartesian.x;
result[5] = scratchSecondCartesian.y;
result[6] = scratchSecondCartesian.z;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = scratchThirdCartesian.x;
result[9] = scratchThirdCartesian.y;
result[10] = scratchThirdCartesian.z;
result[11] = 0.0;
result[12] = origin.x;
result[13] = origin.y;
result[14] = origin.z;
result[15] = 1.0;
return result;
localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis] = resultat;
return resultat;
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an east-north-up axes
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* The local axes are defined as:
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>x</code> axis points in the local east direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>y</code> axis points in the local north direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>z</code> axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position.</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the transform from local east-north-up at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(center);
Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame = Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator('east','north');
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-east-down axes
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* The local axes are defined as:
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>x</code> axis points in the local north direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>y</code> axis points in the local east direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>z</code> axis points in the opposite direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position.</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the transform from local north-east-down at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var transform = Cesium.Transforms.northEastDownToFixedFrame(center);
Transforms.northEastDownToFixedFrame = Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator('north','east');
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-up-east axes
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* The local axes are defined as:
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>x</code> axis points in the local north direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>y</code> axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position.</li>
* <li>The <code>z</code> axis points in the local east direction.</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the transform from local north-up-east at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var transform = Cesium.Transforms.northUpEastToFixedFrame(center);
Transforms.northUpEastToFixedFrame = Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator('north','up');
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-west-up axes
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.
* The local axes are defined as:
* <ul>
* <li>The <code>x</code> axis points in the local north direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>y</code> axis points in the local west direction.</li>
* <li>The <code>z</code> axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position.</li>
* </ul>
* @function
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the transform from local north-West-Up at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var transform = Cesium.Transforms.northWestUpToFixedFrame(center);
Transforms.northWestUpToFixedFrame = Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator('north','west');
var scratchHPRQuaternion$1 = new Quaternion();
var scratchScale = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
var scratchHPRMatrix4 = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
* Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with axes computed from the heading-pitch-roll angles
* centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame. Heading is the rotation from the local north
* direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles
* are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The heading, pitch, and roll.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Transforms~LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation
* matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame
* @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the transform from local heading-pitch-roll at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var heading = -Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_TWO;
* var pitch = Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_FOUR;
* var roll = 0.0;
* var hpr = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);
* var transform = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(center, hpr);
Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame = function(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object( 'HeadingPitchRoll', headingPitchRoll);
fixedFrameTransform = when.defaultValue(fixedFrameTransform, Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame);
var hprQuaternion = Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll(headingPitchRoll, scratchHPRQuaternion$1);
var hprMatrix = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale(Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO, hprQuaternion, scratchScale, scratchHPRMatrix4);
result = fixedFrameTransform(origin, ellipsoid, result);
return BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiply(result, hprMatrix, result);
var scratchENUMatrix4 = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
var scratchHPRMatrix3 = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
* Computes a quaternion from a reference frame with axes computed from the heading-pitch-roll angles
* centered at the provided origin. Heading is the rotation from the local north
* direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles
* are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.
* @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The heading, pitch, and roll.
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Transforms~LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation
* matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame
* @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if none was provided.
* @example
* // Get the quaternion from local heading-pitch-roll at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.
* var center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var heading = -Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_TWO;
* var pitch = Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_FOUR;
* var roll = 0.0;
* var hpr = new HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);
* var quaternion = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(center, hpr);
Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion = function(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.typeOf.object( 'HeadingPitchRoll', headingPitchRoll);
var transform = Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, scratchENUMatrix4);
var rotation = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.getMatrix3(transform, scratchHPRMatrix3);
return Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix(rotation, result);
var noScale = new Cartographic.Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
var hprCenterScratch = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var ffScratch = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
var hprTransformScratch = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
var hprRotationScratch = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
var hprQuaternionScratch = new Quaternion();
* Computes heading-pitch-roll angles from a transform in a particular reference frame. Heading is the rotation from the local north
* direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles
* are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.
* @param {Matrix4} transform The transform
* @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.
* @param {Transforms~LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation
* matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame
* @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if none was provided.
Transforms.fixedFrameToHeadingPitchRoll = function(transform, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
Check.Check.defined('transform', transform);
ellipsoid = when.defaultValue(ellipsoid, Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
fixedFrameTransform = when.defaultValue(fixedFrameTransform, Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new HeadingPitchRoll();
var center = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.getTranslation(transform, hprCenterScratch);
if (Cartographic.Cartesian3.equals(center, Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO)) {
result.heading = 0;
result.pitch = 0;
result.roll = 0;
return result;
var toFixedFrame = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(fixedFrameTransform(center, ellipsoid, ffScratch), ffScratch);
var transformCopy = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.setScale(transform, noScale, hprTransformScratch);
transformCopy = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.setTranslation(transformCopy, Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO, transformCopy);
toFixedFrame = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiply(toFixedFrame, transformCopy, toFixedFrame);
var quaternionRotation = Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix(BoundingSphere.Matrix4.getMatrix3(toFixedFrame, hprRotationScratch), hprQuaternionScratch);
quaternionRotation = Quaternion.normalize(quaternionRotation, quaternionRotation);
return HeadingPitchRoll.fromQuaternion(quaternionRotation, result);
var gmstConstant0 = 6 * 3600 + 41 * 60 + 50.54841;
var gmstConstant1 = 8640184.812866;
var gmstConstant2 = 0.093104;
var gmstConstant3 = -6.2E-6;
var rateCoef = 1.1772758384668e-19;
var wgs84WRPrecessing = 7.2921158553E-5;
var twoPiOverSecondsInDay = _Math.CesiumMath.TWO_PI / 86400.0;
var dateInUtc = new JulianDate();
* Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from True Equator Mean Equinox (TEME) axes to the
* pseudo-fixed axes at a given time. This method treats the UT1 time standard as equivalent to UTC.
* @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.
* @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if none was provided.
* @example
* //Set the view to the inertial frame.
* scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function(scene, time) {
* var now =;
* var offset = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(camera.transform, camera.position, new Cesium.Cartesian3());
* var transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Cesium.Transforms.computeTemeToPseudoFixedMatrix(now));
* var inverseTransform = Cesium.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(transform, new Cesium.Matrix4());
* Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(inverseTransform, offset, offset);
* camera.lookAtTransform(transform, offset);
* });
Transforms.computeTemeToPseudoFixedMatrix = function (date, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(date)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('date is required.');
// GMST is actually computed using UT1. We're using UTC as an approximation of UT1.
// We do not want to use the function like convertTaiToUtc in JulianDate because
// we explicitly do not want to fail when inside the leap second.
dateInUtc = JulianDate.addSeconds(date, -JulianDate.computeTaiMinusUtc(date), dateInUtc);
var utcDayNumber = dateInUtc.dayNumber;
var utcSecondsIntoDay = dateInUtc.secondsOfDay;
var t;
var diffDays = utcDayNumber - 2451545;
if (utcSecondsIntoDay >= 43200.0) {
t = (diffDays + 0.5) / TimeConstants$1.DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY;
} else {
t = (diffDays - 0.5) / TimeConstants$1.DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY;
var gmst0 = gmstConstant0 + t * (gmstConstant1 + t * (gmstConstant2 + t * gmstConstant3));
var angle = (gmst0 * twoPiOverSecondsInDay) % _Math.CesiumMath.TWO_PI;
var ratio = wgs84WRPrecessing + rateCoef * (utcDayNumber - 2451545.5);
var secondsSinceMidnight = (utcSecondsIntoDay + TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY * 0.5) % TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
var gha = angle + (ratio * secondsSinceMidnight);
var cosGha = Math.cos(gha);
var sinGha = Math.sin(gha);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
return new BoundingSphere.Matrix3(cosGha, sinGha, 0.0,
-sinGha, cosGha, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
result[0] = cosGha;
result[1] = -sinGha;
result[2] = 0.0;
result[3] = sinGha;
result[4] = cosGha;
result[5] = 0.0;
result[6] = 0.0;
result[7] = 0.0;
result[8] = 1.0;
return result;
* The source of IAU 2006 XYS data, used for computing the transformation between the
* Fixed and ICRF axes.
* @type {Iau2006XysData}
* @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix
* @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix
* @private
Transforms.iau2006XysData = new Iau2006XysData();
* The source of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) data, used for computing the transformation
* between the Fixed and ICRF axes. By default, zero values are used for all EOP values,
* yielding a reasonable but not completely accurate representation of the ICRF axes.
* @type {EarthOrientationParameters}
* @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix
* @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix
* @private
Transforms.earthOrientationParameters = EarthOrientationParameters.NONE;
var ttMinusTai = 32.184;
var j2000ttDays = 2451545.0;
* Preloads the data necessary to transform between the ICRF and Fixed axes, in either
* direction, over a given interval. This function returns a promise that, when resolved,
* indicates that the preload has completed.
* @param {TimeInterval} timeInterval The interval to preload.
* @returns {Promise} A promise that, when resolved, indicates that the preload has completed
* and evaluation of the transformation between the fixed and ICRF axes will
* no longer return undefined for a time inside the interval.
* @example
* var interval = new Cesium.TimeInterval(...);
* when(Cesium.Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed(interval), function() {
* // the data is now loaded
* });
* @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix
* @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix
* @see when
Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed = function(timeInterval) {
var startDayTT = timeInterval.start.dayNumber;
var startSecondTT = timeInterval.start.secondsOfDay + ttMinusTai;
var stopDayTT = timeInterval.stop.dayNumber;
var stopSecondTT = timeInterval.stop.secondsOfDay + ttMinusTai;
var xysPromise = Transforms.iau2006XysData.preload(startDayTT, startSecondTT, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT);
var eopPromise = Transforms.earthOrientationParameters.getPromiseToLoad();
return when.when.all([xysPromise, eopPromise]);
* Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from the International Celestial
* Reference Frame (GCRF/ICRF) inertial frame axes to the Earth-Fixed frame axes (ITRF)
* at a given time. This function may return undefined if the data necessary to
* do the transformation is not yet loaded.
* @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.
* @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result. If this parameter is
* not specified, a new instance is created and returned.
* @returns {Matrix3} The rotation matrix, or undefined if the data necessary to do the
* transformation is not yet loaded.
* @example
* scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function(scene, time) {
* // View in ICRF.
* var icrfToFixed = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(time);
* if (Cesium.defined(icrfToFixed)) {
* var offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.position);
* var transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(icrfToFixed);
* camera.lookAtTransform(transform, offset);
* }
* });
* @see Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed
Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix = function(date, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(date)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('date is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
var fixedToIcrfMtx = Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix(date, result);
if (!when.defined(fixedToIcrfMtx)) {
return undefined;
return BoundingSphere.Matrix3.transpose(fixedToIcrfMtx, result);
var xysScratch = new Iau2006XysSample(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var eopScratch = new EarthOrientationParametersSample(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
var rotation1Scratch = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
var rotation2Scratch = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
* Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from the Earth-Fixed frame axes (ITRF)
* to the International Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF/ICRF) inertial frame axes
* at a given time. This function may return undefined if the data necessary to
* do the transformation is not yet loaded.
* @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.
* @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result. If this parameter is
* not specified, a new instance is created and returned.
* @returns {Matrix3} The rotation matrix, or undefined if the data necessary to do the
* transformation is not yet loaded.
* @example
* // Transform a point from the ICRF axes to the Fixed axes.
* var now =;
* var pointInFixed = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);
* var fixedToIcrf = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(now);
* var pointInInertial = new Cesium.Cartesian3();
* if (Cesium.defined(fixedToIcrf)) {
* pointInInertial = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(fixedToIcrf, pointInFixed, pointInInertial);
* }
* @see Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed
Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix = function(date, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(date)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('date is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
// Compute pole wander
var eop = Transforms.earthOrientationParameters.compute(date, eopScratch);
if (!when.defined(eop)) {
return undefined;
// There is no external conversion to Terrestrial Time (TT).
// So use International Atomic Time (TAI) and convert using offsets.
// Here we are assuming that dayTT and secondTT are positive
var dayTT = date.dayNumber;
// It's possible here that secondTT could roll over 86400
// This does not seem to affect the precision (unit tests check for this)
var secondTT = date.secondsOfDay + ttMinusTai;
var xys = Transforms.iau2006XysData.computeXysRadians(dayTT, secondTT, xysScratch);
if (!when.defined(xys)) {
return undefined;
var x = xys.x + eop.xPoleOffset;
var y = xys.y + eop.yPoleOffset;
// Compute XYS rotation
var a = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.sqrt(1.0 - x * x - y * y));
var rotation1 = rotation1Scratch;
rotation1[0] = 1.0 - a * x * x;
rotation1[3] = -a * x * y;
rotation1[6] = x;
rotation1[1] = -a * x * y;
rotation1[4] = 1 - a * y * y;
rotation1[7] = y;
rotation1[2] = -x;
rotation1[5] = -y;
rotation1[8] = 1 - a * (x * x + y * y);
var rotation2 = BoundingSphere.Matrix3.fromRotationZ(-xys.s, rotation2Scratch);
var matrixQ = BoundingSphere.Matrix3.multiply(rotation1, rotation2, rotation1Scratch);
// Similar to TT conversions above
// It's possible here that secondTT could roll over 86400
// This does not seem to affect the precision (unit tests check for this)
var dateUt1day = date.dayNumber;
var dateUt1sec = date.secondsOfDay - JulianDate.computeTaiMinusUtc(date) + eop.ut1MinusUtc;
// Compute Earth rotation angle
// The IERS standard for era is
// era = 0.7790572732640 + 1.00273781191135448 * Tu
// where
// Tu = JulianDateInUt1 - 2451545.0
// However, you get much more precision if you make the following simplification
// era = a + (1 + b) * (JulianDayNumber + FractionOfDay - 2451545)
// era = a + (JulianDayNumber - 2451545) + FractionOfDay + b (JulianDayNumber - 2451545 + FractionOfDay)
// era = a + FractionOfDay + b (JulianDayNumber - 2451545 + FractionOfDay)
// since (JulianDayNumber - 2451545) represents an integer number of revolutions which will be discarded anyway.
var daysSinceJ2000 = dateUt1day - 2451545;
var fractionOfDay = dateUt1sec / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
var era = 0.7790572732640 + fractionOfDay + 0.00273781191135448 * (daysSinceJ2000 + fractionOfDay);
era = (era % 1.0) * _Math.CesiumMath.TWO_PI;
var earthRotation = BoundingSphere.Matrix3.fromRotationZ(era, rotation2Scratch);
// pseudoFixed to ICRF
var pfToIcrf = BoundingSphere.Matrix3.multiply(matrixQ, earthRotation, rotation1Scratch);
// Compute pole wander matrix
var cosxp = Math.cos(eop.xPoleWander);
var cosyp = Math.cos(eop.yPoleWander);
var sinxp = Math.sin(eop.xPoleWander);
var sinyp = Math.sin(eop.yPoleWander);
var ttt = (dayTT - j2000ttDays) + secondTT / TimeConstants$1.SECONDS_PER_DAY;
ttt /= 36525.0;
// approximate sp value in rad
var sp = -47.0e-6 * ttt * _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE / 3600.0;
var cossp = Math.cos(sp);
var sinsp = Math.sin(sp);
var fToPfMtx = rotation2Scratch;
fToPfMtx[0] = cosxp * cossp;
fToPfMtx[1] = cosxp * sinsp;
fToPfMtx[2] = sinxp;
fToPfMtx[3] = -cosyp * sinsp + sinyp * sinxp * cossp;
fToPfMtx[4] = cosyp * cossp + sinyp * sinxp * sinsp;
fToPfMtx[5] = -sinyp * cosxp;
fToPfMtx[6] = -sinyp * sinsp - cosyp * sinxp * cossp;
fToPfMtx[7] = sinyp * cossp - cosyp * sinxp * sinsp;
fToPfMtx[8] = cosyp * cosxp;
return BoundingSphere.Matrix3.multiply(pfToIcrf, fToPfMtx, result);
var pointToWindowCoordinatesTemp = new Cartesian4.Cartesian4();
* Transform a point from model coordinates to window coordinates.
* @param {Matrix4} modelViewProjectionMatrix The 4x4 model-view-projection matrix.
* @param {Matrix4} viewportTransformation The 4x4 viewport transformation.
* @param {Cartesian3} point The point to transform.
* @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.
* @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if none was provided.
Transforms.pointToWindowCoordinates = function (modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result) {
result = Transforms.pointToGLWindowCoordinates(modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result);
result.y = 2.0 * viewportTransformation[5] - result.y;
return result;
* @private
Transforms.pointToGLWindowCoordinates = function(modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(modelViewProjectionMatrix)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('modelViewProjectionMatrix is required.');
if (!when.defined(viewportTransformation)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('viewportTransformation is required.');
if (!when.defined(point)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('point is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new Cartesian2.Cartesian2();
var tmp = pointToWindowCoordinatesTemp;
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(modelViewProjectionMatrix, Cartesian4.Cartesian4.fromElements(point.x, point.y, point.z, 1, tmp), tmp);
Cartesian4.Cartesian4.multiplyByScalar(tmp, 1.0 / tmp.w, tmp);
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(viewportTransformation, tmp, tmp);
return Cartesian2.Cartesian2.fromCartesian4(tmp, result);
var normalScratch = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var rightScratch = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var upScratch = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
* @private
Transforms.rotationMatrixFromPositionVelocity = function(position, velocity, ellipsoid, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(position)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('position is required.');
if (!when.defined(velocity)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('velocity is required.');
var normal = when.defaultValue(ellipsoid, Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.WGS84).geodeticSurfaceNormal(position, normalScratch);
var right = Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(velocity, normal, rightScratch);
if (Cartographic.Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(right, Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON6)) {
right = Cartographic.Cartesian3.clone(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, right);
var up = Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(right, velocity, upScratch);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(up, up);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(velocity, up, right);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.negate(right, right);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(right, right);
if (!when.defined(result)) {
result = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
result[0] = velocity.x;
result[1] = velocity.y;
result[2] = velocity.z;
result[3] = right.x;
result[4] = right.y;
result[5] = right.z;
result[6] = up.x;
result[7] = up.y;
result[8] = up.z;
return result;
var swizzleMatrix = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4(
0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
var scratchCartographic = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
var scratchCartesian3Projection = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var scratchCenter = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var scratchRotation = new BoundingSphere.Matrix3();
var scratchFromENU = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
var scratchToENU = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
* @private
Transforms.basisTo2D = function(projection, matrix, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(projection)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('projection is required.');
if (!when.defined(matrix)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('matrix is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
var rtcCenter = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.getTranslation(matrix, scratchCenter);
var ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid;
// Get the 2D Center
var cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(rtcCenter, scratchCartographic);
var projectedPosition = projection.project(cartographic, scratchCartesian3Projection);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.fromElements(projectedPosition.z, projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y, projectedPosition);
// Assuming the instance are positioned in WGS84, invert the WGS84 transform to get the local transform and then convert to 2D
var fromENU = Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(rtcCenter, ellipsoid, scratchFromENU);
var toENU = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(fromENU, scratchToENU);
var rotation = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.getMatrix3(matrix, scratchRotation);
var local = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3(toENU, rotation, result);
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiply(swizzleMatrix, local, result); // Swap x, y, z for 2D
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.setTranslation(result, projectedPosition, result); // Use the projected center
return result;
* @private
Transforms.wgs84To2DModelMatrix = function(projection, center, result) {
//>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
if (!when.defined(projection)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('projection is required.');
if (!when.defined(center)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('center is required.');
if (!when.defined(result)) {
throw new Check.DeveloperError('result is required.');
var ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid;
var fromENU = Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(center, ellipsoid, scratchFromENU);
var toENU = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(fromENU, scratchToENU);
var cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(center, scratchCartographic);
var projectedPosition = projection.project(cartographic, scratchCartesian3Projection);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.fromElements(projectedPosition.z, projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y, projectedPosition);
var translation = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.fromTranslation(projectedPosition, scratchFromENU);
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiply(swizzleMatrix, toENU, result);
BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiply(translation, result, result);
return result;
Transforms.buildUp = function(viewPos, cartesianDir) {
var dir = cartesianDir.clone();
var up = viewPos.clone();
up = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(up, up);
if(Math.abs(, dir)) >= 1.0){
if(Math.abs(, Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y)) < 1.0){
up = Cartographic.Cartesian3.clone(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, up);
up = Cartographic.Cartesian3.clone(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, up);
var vLeft = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(up, dir, vLeft);
vLeft = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(vLeft, vLeft);
Cartographic.Cartesian3.cross(dir, vLeft, up);
up = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(up, up);
return up;
Transforms.getHeading = function(direction, up) {
var heading;
if (!_Math.CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon(Math.abs(direction.z), 1.0, _Math.CesiumMath.EPSILON3)) {
heading = Math.atan2(direction.y, direction.x) - _Math.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO;
} else {
heading = Math.atan2(up.y, up.x) - _Math.CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO;
return _Math.CesiumMath.TWO_PI - _Math.CesiumMath.zeroToTwoPi(heading);
Transforms.convertToColumbusCartesian = function(cartesian) {
var projection = new BoundingSphere.GeographicProjection();
var ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid;
var scratchCartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
var scratchCartographic = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(cartesian, scratchCartographic);
projection.project(scratchCartographic, scratchCartesian);
return Cartographic.Cartesian3.fromElements(scratchCartesian.z, scratchCartesian.x, scratchCartesian.y);
exports.Quaternion = Quaternion;
exports.Transforms = Transforms;