import{QasLi}from"./index.9f28707e.js";import{Rasas}from"./index.030fe210.js";constor={1:"The view center is not defined",2:"The view resolution is not defined",3:"The view rotation is not defined",4:"`image` and `src` cannot be provided at the same time",5:"`imgSize` must be set when `image` is provided",7:"`format` must be set when `url` is set",8:"Unknown `serverType` configured",9:"`url` must be configured or set using `#setUrl()`",10:"The default `geometryFunction` can only handle `Point` geometries",11:"`options.featureTypes` must be an Array",12:"`options.geometryName` must also be provided when `options.bbox` is set",13:"Invalid corner",14:"Invalid color",15:"Tried to get a value for a key that does not exist in the cache",16:"Tried to set a value for a key that is used already",17:"`resolutions` must be sorted in descending order",18:"Either `origin` or `origins` must be configured, never both",19:"Number of `tileSizes` and `resolutions` must be equal",20:"Number of `origins` and `resolutions` must be equal",22:"Either `tileSize` or `tileSizes` must be configured, never both",24:"Invalid extent or geometry provided as `geometry`",25:"Cannot fit empty extent provided as `geometry`",26:"Features must have an id set",27:"Features must have an id set",28:'`renderMode` must be `"hybrid"` or `"vector"`',30:"The passed `feature` was already added to the source",31:"Tried to enqueue an `element` that was already added to the queue",32:"Transformation matrix cannot be inverted",33:"Invalid units",34:"Invalid geometry layout",36:"Unknown SRS type",37:"Unknown geometry type found",38:"`styleMapValue` has an unknown type",39:"Unknown geometry type",40:"Expected `feature` to have a geometry",41:"Expected an `ol/style/Style` or an array of `ol/style/Style.js`",42:"Question unknown, the answer is 42",43:"Expected `layers` to be an array or a `Collection`",47:"Expected `controls` to be an array or an `ol/Collection`",48:"Expected `interactions` to be an array or an `ol/Collection`",49:"Expected `overlays` to be an array or an `ol/Collection`",50:"`options.featureTypes` should be an Array",51:"Either `url` or `tileJSON` options must be provided",52:"Unknown `serverType` configured",53:"Unknown `tierSizeCalculation` configured",55:"The {-y} placeholder requires a tile grid with extent",56:"mapBrowserEvent must originate from a pointer event",57:"At least 2 conditions are required",59:"Invalid command found in the PBF",60:"Missing or invalid `size`",61:"Cannot determine IIIF Image API version from provided image information JSON",62:"A `WebGLArrayBuffer` must either be of type `ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER` or `ARRAY_BUFFER`",64:"Layer opacity must be a number",66:"`forEachFeatureAtCoordinate` cannot be used on a WebGL layer if the hit detection logic has not been enabled. This is done by providing adequate shaders using the `hitVertexShader` and `hitFragmentShader` properties of `WebGLPointsLayerRenderer`",67:"A layer can only be added to the map once. Use either `layer.setMap()` or `map.addLayer()`, not both",68:"A VectorTile source can only be rendered if it has a projection compatible with the view projection",69:"`width` or `height` cannot be provided together with `scale`"};classarextendsError{constructor(t){conste=or[t];super(e),this.code=t,"AssertionError",this.message=e}}constls=ar;functionB(n,t){if(!n)thrownewls(t)}constY={UNKNOWN:0,INTERSECTING:1,ABOVE:2,RIGHT:4,BELOW:8,LEFT:16};function_t(n){constt=Xt();for(lete=0,i=n.length;e<i;++e)ds(t,n[e]);returnt}functionei(n,t,e){returne?(e[0]=n[0]-t,e[1]=n[1]-t,e[2]=n[2]+t,e[3]=n[3]+t,e):[n[0]-t,n[1]-t,n[2]+t,n[3]+t]}functionlr(n,t){returnt?(t[0]=n[0],t[1]=n[1],t[2]=n[2],t[3]=n[3],t):n.slice()}functionFi(n,t,e){leti,s;returnt<n[0]?i=n[0]-t:n[2]<t?i=t-n[2]:i=0,e<n[1]?s=n[1]-e:n[3]<e?s=e-n[3]:s=0,i*i+s*s}functionhr(n,t){returnhs(n,t[0],t[1])}functionHt(n,t){returnn[0]<=t[0]&&t[2]<=n[2]&&n[1]<=t[1]&&t[3]<=n[3]}functionhs(n,t,e){returnn[0]<=t&&t<=n[2]&&n[1]<=e&&e<=n[3]}functionSi(n,t){conste=n[0],i=n[1],s=n[2],r=n[3],o=t[0],a=t[1];letl=Y.UNKNOWN;